Sunday, May 1, 2022

Prompt 1

Intro to Prompts of May Project

I decided to do a writing prompt every day in May, which is going to be quite the project for me.  It is my hope that these prompts will not only be a great writing exercise but that they will also give me some ideas that I will want to expand into large works. 

I have spent the last couple of days finding the perfect prompts to use throughout the month. Each I have found feels just right for this project, but if I find others that are better, I will substitute them instead. Cannot wait to spend a month writing!

May 1st

            In 200 to 300 words, describe a sunrise.

                What do you see?

                What do you hear?

                What do you smell?

                What do you feel? 

    Juliet sat on her beach chair looking into the distance at the water lapping up onto the sand surrounding the edge of the beach. She could hear her neighbor's dog barking softly in the next house wanting to be let out at her usual time that morning. If she listened close enough, she could hear the seagulls in the distance. The salty air filled her lungs as she breathed in, content as she moved her feet through the coarse sand under her feet. Then, she saw the colors start to appear in the skyline in front of her, right over the beach. First, there was the bright orange as it faded into yellow, and then finally the bright blue that she knew the sky would be that day. The beauty of a sunrise on the beach never ceased to fill her with joy.

    In her perfect world, Alan would be with her at that moment in the chair sitting right beside her. Instead of in the next county over. She breathed in a couple more times and smelt the sweet aroma of what she assumed was pancakes in the next house over. Maybe, if she was lucky James would invite her over for pancakes with the kids again that morning. She tried to keep a level head as she stood up from the beach chair. Looking down, she moved her toes in the sand below her. It made her think of when she was a child and how much she had always enjoyed the feeling of the sand between her toes. She looked up one more time to watch the colors as they completely faded into blue. She smiled a little to herself as she walked into the house.

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