Friday, May 13, 2022

Prompt 13

May 13th

 Use the following line to write a 300-325 word prompt: The matter of cows.

This prompt is quite silly and out of the blue, which is not abnormal for me at this point. I have had a lot of fun this month with writing every day so far on here. Some of the prompts have been for new works and others like the one below, are for projects that I have already started. I don't know if I will use what I wrote below in anything, but I love writing in my Grimmless world. No matter if that is for actual book content or just for bonus looks into the world. 

    They say that the matter dealt with cows. What cows, I am not fully sure of, if we are going to be honest. But there were cows and a lot of them. I wish I could say that they were magical cows, dear reader. That they could fly. Or that when they ate your grass, more grew in its place. Something magical, even in the slightest. But to my great knowledge (and I have quite a bit of that) there was nothing at all special about the cows. Except for the fact that they were huge. 

    Now, you are probably asking, why cows? Why are cows what helped destroy an entire kingdom in the world of Grimmless? I was not around at the time and can only go on what I have heard. Merlin might have been. I could always go and ask him. They say that the cows were so big that they literally just crushed the kingdom below their feet. The buildings, people, and other creatures. Nobody quite knows where they even came from or how they got to be so big. But there is one clue, that I believe explains it all. At least to a point. 

    Apollo was a man that held a powerful grudge. Apparently, someone in one of the villages in the kingdom had disgraced the god and he decided to enact revenge. Not on the villager. No, he decided to enact revenge on everyone in the village and the whole entire kingdom. Gods are known for their rashness. If there is one piece of advice that you take from my tales, dear reader, it is that you should never mess with a god. Especially, disgracing one of them. It will get you on the receiving end of some powerful smiting. Apollo was quite good at smiting. Just like his stepmother Hera, but that is for another tale. 

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