Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Prompt 4

 May 4th

            Format your story in the style of diary entries:

Dear Diary,

     I killed a man today. Well, at least I believe that I did. The last thing I know that happened was that I threw his body in the river and it washed away with the current into the deep. So, let's just assume that he's dead until we get any evidence against the fact. The last couple of weeks, I have spent trying to form a plan to get the man that killed my mother in a fit of rage. Or as he would tell you, it was love. He told the story as if it were rehearsed. Probably was. 

    The man was rich, even though we never really knew where he got his riches from. He easily manipulated my mother and took anything he could. She played right into his games. I vividly remember their first meeting as if it were yesterday. Mother had been a mess ever since my father had died. They were very close, though if what our maids said was the truth, they weren't always that close. So, when this mysteriously handsome man came, she fell hard, and he snapped his clutches on her easily. Life was not the same afterward. She spent so much time with him, and I never really saw much of her in those months after. But then the inevitable happened because the man was a leech. My mother became so much less than the woman she was before, and I was done with being the pretty little fool that she always envisioned me to be. 

    We never really knew the man's true name as I came to realize. I would sneak around town following him after he would leave my mother and find that he went by very different names depending on his company. The name I found that he went by the most was Rupert, but I'm not even sure if that was his real name or not. To my mother and our family, he went by Maurice. Maurice Everett Rupert Charles IV to be exact. He told my mother that he was a royal from some foreign country. I took the time to go to our town's library in search of this country and never came up with anything. 

    Don't think for a second that I don't find it interesting that the name he went by in town was part of the made-up name he gave to himself. I figured that there was some reason behind it. It had become my mission from their first meeting to find out what that man was up to with my mother. I would not watch her get her heart broken by this man that I believed to be a con. 

    I give the man this, he was very good at covering up his own tracks, at least at the beginning. But as time went on in their relationship, he began to slip up and I was there to catch him in his final mistake.

    The worst news came for Mother about three months ago, when she found out that my brother had been killed in battle. I had thanked God every night after he had to go to war that women were not forced into the draft. Mother and Father tried to pay the recruitment officer a lot of money to get Alfred out of having to enlist in the army. All that did was piss the man off and probably made Alfred look even worse than he did before. My mother and father were heartbroken when they had to watch their beloved boy join the army. That all they had left back home was their daughter. I played the dutiful beautiful fool for my parents. Got courted by all the most eligible men around, the bunch of damn pigs. My duty as a young woman of my standing was to get a husband of my standing or of one even higher than my own. That is what my parents wanted and for a while, I played that I did too. 

    After finding out about my brother's death my mother was a mess. Alfred was her favorite person on this earth and who do you think was there to pick up the pieces when she fell apart? Maurice/ Rupert/ or whatever name was actually his. He was good at playing the shoulder to cry on with her. 

    I can hear the sound of sirens in the distance. I better get going for now, but I'll continue on whenever I get the chance. 

                                        Eliza (Eli) Montgomery- age 17

Dear Diary, 

    So, I have decided to burn each of these entries after I finish them. The plan was to get all my thoughts out, but I sure don't want anyone to see all this evidence against me. It's going to be a short one today because I have to go to the police station to make another statement. Apparently, one of my mother's former staff members spoke out against me. Though I know he couldn't have had any proof. I was careful when I did the deed. 

    He's dead by the way. Not the staff member, though he might be following "Rupert" pretty damn soon if he keeps giving me a bad name.  Didn't take the police long to find him after I threw him over the ledge. Only took two days.  I have been keeping a low profile, in the hopes that no one would put two and two together. 

    The night they found his body I talked to the police, and I played my part well. Maybe too well, if I'm going to be honest with you. Maybe the tears seemed a bit too fake. But I was good at playing the role that I had been assigned at birth when I was born a woman of the time period. We had our place, and I knew mine. All too well. The officer that is heading the case looked at me with suspicion from the minute I walked into his office to speak about what I knew. Which I played to be not that much. I made sure that I had an alibi just in case it would come out that the man was murdered. A lot of people had known that I did not like the man in the slightest. 

    When I walked out after about twenty minutes of tears, mourning, and heartbreak over the loss of both my mother and then Maurice shortly afterward, I could see the look still on the officer's face. His name is Officer Blake Carlson. And I was very surprised to hear him call the man Maurice because I was pretty sure that everyone in town knew him as Rupert. Well, there have been quite a lot of surprises so far, the last couple of weeks. Most of my time has been spent, with me trying to find someone to blame the murder on. I have yet to find anyone that will work but we'll see. 

    Well, I guess I have to get going for today. I can hear one of my maids telling me that she wants to start getting me ready to go and meet with the police. Like, I need to look good to go and meet with Officer Carlson. 

                                    Eliza Montgomery- age 17

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