Thursday, May 5, 2022

Prompt 5

May 5th

 For my fifth prompt, I decided to freestyle a bit. It has been way over a year since I have even written a poem, which feels so weird to think about. I used to write a ton of poetry. In high school alone, I wrote over 100 poems. Can’t say they were all good. They were my way of expressing the feelings I was feeling on any given day. A lot of them were about boys. Haha 

It felt good writing a poem again. I cannot tell you how much I missed writing them and how therapeutic it feels to just sit in front of the computer and write. Not to worry about who’s going to read it or what they are going to think about it. I know one thing; I definitely plan on writing more for prompts. Maybe more towards a guided prompt or just freestyling again.

I’m really enjoying this month of different projects. It feels good writing something different every day and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here. Definitely, need a distraction from normal life, and writing has been a great way of helping that. Oh, and Heartstopper also. I won’t gush about that too much here, but oh my goodness! That show was everything I wanted it to be. The perfect adaptation of Alice’s work. But I’ll talk about it more in my Spring favorites!! 

Here's to more great writing days and here’s my poem. It’s still untitled at the moment. 

If I told you right now that I felt like 

Everything was 

Falling apart,

Would you listen?

Would you care? 

I can still see the way you look at me 

When you don’t think I can see you. 

The way your eyes hold this gleam 

Or maybe that was the light shining in them. 

All I know is that I’m sick and tired of hiding behind 

A mask of 


Don’t you ever get tired of it? 

Don’t you see how foolish this all is? 

I know that this can’t keep going on between us

When you don’t even bother hiding it. 

The way you can’t stand to be in the same room as me 

Or maybe I’ve just been imagining all of that. 

Well, I guess I’m the damn fool again 

For believing and

Falling for it all again.

Would you even care?

Would you even listen?

I am done with the bullshit 

When you don’t realize what you’re doing to me.

The way you laughed at some stupid joke

Or maybe was that just me that you were laughing at. 

If I told you know that I feel like

Everything… No, that I’m…

Falling apart.

Don’t you listen? 

Would you care?

Don’t you even care?

Would you even listen to me?

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