Sunday, May 22, 2022

Prompt 22

 May 22nd

Disney Writing Tag

I enjoy doing these writing tags and just talking about my stories with them. This was one that I knew that I had to do when I saw it on Youtube, because I love Disney and these questions are great. 

Here is a link to the original video: ​​​ DISNEY WRITING TAG (original) - YouTube

1. ALADDIN -- Poof! A genie appears and is willing to grant you ONE wish to fix your current WIP. What do you wish for?

    ✍️ I would wish for the genie to fix the grammatical errors, so I don't have to. Then I can just focus on the story. 

2. LION KING -- If you had to retell a Shakespearean play using animals as the main characters, which play would you choose and which animals?

    ✍️ Twelfth Night could be quite fun, I think. I'd love to see one of his comedies in a different form like that. For the animals, I'd say maybe dogs or birds. It would have to be something different. This could be a lot of fun. 

3. POCAHONTAS -- Have you ever pulled inspiration for a story from history, and what was it?

    ✍️ I am more of a person that pulls from Fantasy and not really history. But recently for a prompt, I decided to work on a historical piece for a murder mystery. I really didn't pull much from history it was more that the story took place in the past and not in a fantasy world. 

4. SNOW WHITE -- What was the very first story you ever wrote? 

    ✍️ My first full-fledged story would be Our Connection which was going to be my first novel at one time. I never did finish that piece. Our Connection was about these three different girls that were all named some variant of the same name and how they had a magical connection with each other. I started that in tenth grade. 

5. MULAN -- Who is the strongest character you've ever written and what made them strong?

    ✍️ I would say that Max from my The Chronicles of Grimmless series, would be the strongest character that I have ever written and not because of physical strength (not completely anyway). More for the fact of what he is dealing with and how he has to overcome those obstacles that are in his way. He's far stronger than I could have ever been in those situations. 

6. STAR WARS -- If you had to live in one of the worlds or setting you've created, which would it be and why?

    ✍️ Well, obviously I would pick Grimmless in heartbeat. I would love to live in a fantasy world, especially one like Grimmless. 

7. ANTHEMS -- Which Disney song(s) would you put on your writing playlist?

    ✍️ I have a fairly large playlist like I have mentioned on here before. Music is something that I love so much and a lot of times it helps me focus when I am writing. Some of the Disney songs that are on my writing playlist are: "Go the Distance" from Disney's Hercules, "If I Can't Love Her" from the Beauty and the Beast musical, "Some Things Never Change" from Frozen 2, "Strangers Like Me" and "You'll Be in My Heart" from Tarzan, "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid, and it goes on and on. I love music and Disney. 

8. RETELLINGS -- Which fairytale movie would you want to retell?

    ✍️ My Grimmless series is actually a twisting of many different fairytales and other classic tales. It has characters from Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and many other pieces. 

9. FROZEN -- Which character that you've written is Most Likely to be misunderstood or incorrectly interpreted as a villain?

    ✍️ I really love this question. One of the characters that probably would most likely be considered a villain would be my character that is known as Miss Misery. She does some pretty terrible things in the course of the second book in my series. It's funny because she started out not being such a vital character to my overall story, but I fell in love with writing her and just kept writing more scenes with her. 

10. MOANA -- If you had to go on an epic journey with ONE of your characters, and the two of you were tasked with saving the world, who would you choose and why?

    ✍️ Wow, this is a hard one. There are so many characters that I would pick because of some part of their character that would help in the journey. I think that I would choose Lyndell and the reason for this is because of his determination and loyalty. Lyndell is the most loyal and brave character that I have ever written, and I love him for that. He would do anything to help out a friend in need. Even if he was scared to death while doing it. He was another character that started out being very minor but became so much more than that. To tell the truth, he's probably one of my favorite characters that I have ever written. I adore Lyndell. 

11. PINOCCHIO -- What's the most common lie you tell people about your stories or writing?

    ✍️ I really don't lie about my stories to people. The most I might say that isn't completely true would-be spoiler related. But I can't say that I don't tell people stuff like that either. I've told my family and friends tons of plot details that are full of spoilers. Haha 

12. SIDEKICKS -- Who is your favorite minor character you've written that you wish you could give their own full story to?

    ✍️ I definitely would love to write a full book or something longer for Miss Misery. She's a character that I love writing about and would enjoy deviling even more into a story about her. Morally gray characters are some of my absolute favorites and I'd have a lot of fun with her. It would also be a completely different dynamic than anything in my Grimmless world so far, so that would be fun. 

    ✍️ Also, I would pick Patrick from my contemporary novel What I Know. I wrote a piece on here already with Patrick that was a ton of fun and I'd love to even go more into him as a character.  He has become another all-time favorite character of mine to write. 

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