Saturday, May 28, 2022

Prompt 28

 May 28th 

The fire should have... 


    The fire should have destroyed our kingdom when it could have. Then I wouldn’t have to sit through these lessons with my father’s latest excuse for a princess tutor. But instead of my magic working for anything other than these “tests” from Barley, it decided to only catch my favorite garden on fire and then deplete within ten minutes. 

    Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to destroy everyone in my father’s kingdom. That would have been absolutely terrible. But from the age of five until now my fourteenth year, I have been dealing with princess lessons. Which consisted of me curtsying, wearing ball gowns, and other useless material. I wanted to use my magic, whether that be for destruction or something else, I didn’t care. 

    Destroying our kingdom was not how I thought I would start my Monday. I woke up early that day, ready to have breakfast with Barley. But then an idea came to mind. Where it came from, I’m not completely sure but it did and I made a mistake. The spell was easy. It was almost as if someone else was speaking it for me, which I should have realized was suspicious. So, I spoke the words out, “Bring out the fire from me” and the fire came into my hands. To tell the truth, it was my first time even doing the spell. I had read it in one of my father’s spellbooks in the library. The books that I was not supposed to read. 

    I didn’t actually know what the full extent of the spell was. Or even if it would work. Little did I know, how well it would work or that it would not work in the way that I expected it to. I commanded the fire to destroy the castle, to light it up all around us. But specified for it to not kill anyone at all. I guess you can say that it didn’t.

    It didn’t destroy my father’s castle though. What it actually destroyed was a neighboring kingdom, about ten leagues north of ours. It was the kingdom of King Martin and his semi-good-looking son Henry. Who I had been betrothed to since I was an infant. The joys of being a princess. Our betrothal ended on the day that I decided to burn his kingdom to the ground. Not that I didn’t get any consequences on my own end. I did lose my beautiful flowers. 

    I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it wasn’t the first time, I heard mysterious voices. Telling me to do things that I know are not right. But I went along with them because I wanted to get something done. What I didn’t know was that burning kingdoms to the ground was not going to be the last of my problems or my arsonist days. Magic ran deep within my soul. And was slowly during my fourteenth year, taking over my body. 

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