Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Prompt 3

 May 3rd

For my third prompt, I decided to revamp a post I did on my old blog and add a little bit to that. On that blog, I was participating in Top 5 Wednesday, which was a group on Goodreads. I loved doing the topics each week a lot and the one that I picked to do for today's prompt was my favorite. It was to create classes based off of books and I had so much fun when I completed that. I decided to use the classes that I came up with for that and to come up with some more just for fun. My favorite to this day has to be Number 1. Just have to say, I would take all of these classes in a heartbeat. 

University of the Written Word: 

Nine classes for the literary lover in search of a new adventure... or maybe trouble

9. A Journey through the Written Word- Have you ever dreamed of being read into your favorite book before? I'm sure if you are taking classes at our lovely university, you probably have. Well, I've got just the class for you. Join Mo and Meggie as they travel throughout literature. Caution dear student, this class could have its problems. First, you might not end up where you want to be. Also, you might not be able to come back even if you get where you are going. Results will vary. But, I'm sure dear reader you would take the risk. I know that I would. 

Book used: 

8. Headology- You say that you want to become a witch, well who better to teach you than the esteemed Granny Weatherwax, who might frighten you away from this path. Headology is Granny's most preferred form of magic. Follow Granny throughout Lancre as she uses headology to convince people that she has cursed them, when really, it's all in their heads. Learn from one of the greats, one of the greatest powers a witch can posess. Good luck my dear. 

Book used (though this goes with any book in the Witches subseries of the Discworld series): 

7. How to Piss off a God(This class will focus on the Greek Gods in general, but if all goes well I'm sure we'll be able to get it expanded to the other pantheons. I'm almost positive that a certain trickster god would love to help us out for a monetary fee.)- For the next few weeks, you will step into a classroom run by a God himself who is very good at making gods, mortals, nymphs, and probably everyone else pissed off at him for one reason or the next. First of all, he's got an inferiority complex, not that the rest of them don't but his causes countless problems for those around him. Especially his father Zeus. Follow Apollo as you learn how the gods tick and what it takes to just get them thoroughly ticked off. Also, be cautious because he likes to turn people into plants/trees. And causing wars. 

Book used: 

6. The American Dream: How to Not Go About It- In this class, we will have two special guests Mr. Jay Gatsby and Mr. Willy Loman. They will discuss and show cautions of going to such drastic extremes when trying to obtain the American Dream. Each will teach you different aspects of this way of life and how to navigate such a life. (For extra credit: You can bring in other literary characters that can use these lessons to help them in their lives. 10 extra points each.). 

Book and Play used:

5. Becoming a King- This class will be run by one of the most powerful wizards of all time. The great and the admirable Merlyn! Each lesson you will be transformed into a different type of animal that will teach another aspect of life, philosophy, and war. On a side note, this will most likely not make you king unless you can pull a sword from the stone. Good luck with that one. 
Book used: 
4. Madness 101- Do you have an uncle who killed your father to take the crown of your country and your mother? A girlfriend's crazy father that will not stop spouting out useless information? Two friends from college spying on you? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, Prince Hamlet may have the class for you: Madness 101- How to act like you have become insanely crazy. So much, so that people begin to believe that you have lost every ounce of sanity that you have left. Actually, are you acting anymore Hamlet?  

You will need to be able to recite long pieces of verse that make you question whether it is worth it to live or maybe not to live. Skulls can be helpful also. Oh and don't forget the classic idea of plays within plays.

Learn from the best about how to pretend to be crazy. (We are not to blame if you actually become insane along the way). 

Play Used: 
3. Wonderland 101- This class will be taught by many of the famous characters from Lewis Carrol's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  The first lesson will be taught by the White Rabbit: The Dangers of Being Late in a world run by the Queen of Hearts. Lesson two, A Caucus Race, which will be run by the Dodo. Our next lesson will be from the blue caterpillar: How to Riddle Your Way out of Answering Anything. Those are just a sampling of the utter nonsense filled lessons that you can learn from if you decide to fall down the rabbit hole and pay the fee. Be careful not to steal any of the tarts though. They're not part of the one-time fee. 
Book Used: 

2. How to be the Fairy Godmother of the Land of Stories?- Were you ever interested in becoming a ruler or maybe how to use your magic to help those in great need? Do you have a natural inclining towards doing good deeds? If yes, then learning from the Fairy Godmother of the Land of Stories might just be something to spend your free time doing. In each lesson, you will learn of those in the other kingdoms less fortunate than you and how to choose your next case. Not every act has to be done with magic though. We will provide a map of the kingdoms but please come prepared with a basic knowledge of each of the kingdoms. Also, we prefer those with magic to attend the classes. Our special guest professor will be that old dame, Mother Goose. Please try not to go out drinking with her after class though even if you are above age. She has a terrible habit of telling rumors in rhyme. 
Book Series used: 

1. How to Hitchhike the Galaxy?- The professor for the class will be Ford Prefect and it will consist of field trips where you hitchhike the galaxy. (Think The Magic School Bus) Our textbook is that Ultimate guide that Ford is working on, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Make sure if you sign up for the class that you have your own towel. Also, if you can get your hands on a Babel fish, that would be great to take along too. Ford will be able to provide a few for students that do not have a way of obtaining one. 
Another piece of advice when you join the class: Don't Panic!

Book Used: 

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