Monday, May 30, 2022

Prompt 30

May 30th

Current Projects/ Future Projects/ Writing Hopes

For today's writing prompt, I decided to talk about some of the projects that I am working on, future ideas for projects, and any writing hopes that I have for myself. 

Current Projects

    1. Marching On (The Chronicles of Grimmless Book 2)- By the end of July, my major writing goal is to have the first full draft done of the second book in my Grimmless series. I plan on writing as much for it as I can in my free time and seeing where I get with it. At the moment, I'm over 88,000 words in, and I'm getting to the end. The one thing I have in my favor is that I have been editing and revising it as I have been writing. So, it is in a lot better shape than my first book was when I finished the first draft. 

    2. What I Know- This is the contemporary book that I have also been working on for about as long as Marching On. I plan on really deviling into this book once I finish my draft of Marching On

Future Projects

    3. Book written in verse: I have always wanted to write a book in verse, especially in my Grimmless world, but from a different time period or something. This is definitely something that I'm going to keep in mind as I continue on with my Grimmless series and see if I get any inspiration for some other project. This would be a companion book to the series and not part of the actual main books.

    4. A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story: This is a project that I actually made in my Creative Writing Seminar class back in college, that I really enjoyed. I would like to make a full-book version of this eventually. It would be another companion book to the Grimmless series. 

    5. Road trip Contemporary Book: Another idea that I started quite some time ago now, was a road trip book with siblings. I have not really touched it in years but would love to get back to it eventually.

There are plenty of other ideas that I have for future projects but these are the ones that are more fleshed out. 

Writing Hopes

    6. Young Adult/Middle-Grade Series: Eventually, I would love to write another young adult or even a middle-grade series. I have many ideas that I have come up with over the years, that I would love to try out in a new light.

    7. Children's Book: Over the years as a preschool teacher, I have read a ton of children's books and have had multiple ideas for my own children's books. I don't know if this one will ever happen but I think it would be cool to write one of my own someday in the future. 

    8. Poetry Collection: One of my biggest goals has always been to publish a poetry collection. I have written a lot of poems over the years and would have plenty of material to work with. It would be great to be able to get one out there someday. 

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