Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Prompt 11

May 11th 

The prompt for today is quite fun. I have forever loved Hades and Persephone retellings and have wanted to do one of my own for years. Then, I saw this agent post about wanting a retelling with Persephone breaking into the underworld and that Hades just wants her to go. And I have got to say I just love the vibes of this and wanted to go with it. I decided to introduce Persephone into my Grimmless world, but not as a love interest in the slightest. More of an annoyance. Hades was in it from the beginning, and I have wanted to add in Persephone for a long time. So, for today I played a bit with that for the prompt. I don't know if I'll keep this scene or not, but I did enjoy this character throwing a wrench into Hades' story. 

    Hades had a good day up until the fact when he started walking home and heard her again. It had been ten days since she arrived in the Underworld, and he was sick of it already. She was decent enough of a goddess to deal with but then he had to listen to the wrath of her mother. Well, hear about her wrath anyway. Demeter was not one to show her face in public often, especially to him. But she sure liked to say stuff about him, and he had enough of it by this point. Hermes just loved to fly in and gossip. 

    "Your mother believes that I kidnapped you, the dog loves you more than me, and you ate all my favorite snacks. You need to get out of my house now," Hades said as he walked in to find Persephone with one of Cerberus's heads on her lap, sitting on a large chair, and singing some song to him. You would not believe how cute this three-headed monstrous dog could be when it wanted to. He was just a giant puppy. 

    "You're calling this a house," Persephone rolled her eyes and put her feet up onto the table in front of her, stretching back. "I'm not going back up there until at least March maybe April. I have had enough of my mother for the hundreds of years that I have had to deal with her. A few months isn't going to do anything." She was so bright against the almost colorless Underworld around her. Her bright green eyes twinkled, with a mischievous glint as she rubbed Cerberus's belly. 

    Hades wasn't going to say that he didn't enjoy it when she was around, at least sometimes. She had become a good friend. Though, he did not enjoy it when she just showed up out of the blue in his home, and then him having to listen to her mother again. "She is making it snow in your absence."

    Persephone just shook her head at that and laughed. "Dude, it's not the first time and it won't be the last time it happens. There was the one year that I left, in June. Man, that really messed with the mortals' heads. Blizzards in June" She watched him as his left eye started to twitch. "What's up with you?"

    Hades was not a being that got stressed in the slightest. He was the calmest being in all existence. His life was enjoyable for the most part and he was known for being the ruler of all the dead. But his perspective on his life was great. He loved the mortals, and he loved the dead. But he really could not stand it when someone messed with what few plans he had. "I have a date tonight and I don't want you around for it."

    "You have a date tonight? With whom? Oh my gosh," Persephone sat up from the chair she was on and squealed. "I want to meet him so much. Who is he?" 

    "How do you know that it's a guy?" Hades asked and was semi-shocked that the girl squealed. She didn't seem the type. She was more of an eye-roller and a scoffing person. 

    Persephone just looked at him for about thirty seconds, with raised eyebrows. "You introduce yourself as 'Hi, I'm Hades ruler of the dead, lover of mortals, and friend to all dead creatures' sorry but I know. And I want to meet him. I'm definitely staying to meet the lucky man. Can I come to the wedding? Oh, my goodness, I want to help plan the wedding," Persephone kept going on and on but Hades ignored her as he walked out of the room. Maybe, he could get Hermes to get her out of his home or he could tell Demeter the truth. Yeah, and then probably be tortured by Persephone for the rest of eternity. 

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