Thursday, May 19, 2022

Prompt 19

May 19th

The idea for my prompt for today came to me early this morning. I really love when a line just pops into my head and then the ideas just flow. The idea of a magical door in a hedge felt perfect for my Grimmless world. This scene below is part of a much bigger piece, but I feel that it can hold on its own pretty well. 

The Magical Door

    There was a door on the hedge that nobody was able to open. It was a darker green than the hedge it was built into. The doorknob was rusting from age and tinting in the sunlight. It had been locked for as long as Jack had known, and he knew that plenty of people had tried to get in there. Not that they even knew what was behind the door. There were plenty of rumors about what it could hold but there was no one alive that even had a clue. Some people believed that they heard voices behind the door. Either voices of family members that had passed or of people that were not living around them anymore. 

    Jack didn’t hear voices behind the door or anything for that matter. Even though he sometimes wished that he would hear one voice behind the door and that he could open it up and see her standing there staring back at him again. That he would see her blue eyes looking at him with that mischievous look. He didn’t want to admit to how many days he had gone to what so many believed to be a magical door and just stood there. His hand over the doorknob hoping that it would be the time that he would be able to finally get in the door. After over one hundred attempts in the last seventeen years, you’d think that he would have stopped. But I’ll tell you this, temptations were not an easy thing to overcome. 

    Evianna came upon the door when she was exploring the other pathways that led past the directional signs. The one that pointed down that pathway didn’t even say anything about it, which intrigued her. She walked down the path and saw the hedge and the door. Surprisingly, she did not hear the stories of the door yet. You would have thought that Bentley would have given her that little piece of knowledge by now but knowing Bentley, he wanted to have her find out for herself. On the other side of the door, Evianna could hear the sound of a piano playing. She put her hand on the doorknob and turned it. The door opened easily for her. 

    All she could see at first was a lone piano until a man appeared on the bench in front of it. The room looked just like one of the rooms at The Academy, except for the color. It was too white. She had never seen the man before, but he looked so familiar to her. 

    “Who are you?” she asked as she walked closer to the piano. The closer she walked though the further away it appeared to be. 

    “You’ll be finding out sooner than you believe, young Hart. Look to your dreams,” the man smirked hitting the keys in a tune that Evianna would have known anywhere. She had heard Max play it so many times before. Right before her eyes, the man transformed into Max. 

    “Max!” Evianna gasped when she saw the scarring covering Max’s arms. As the man (who she knew wasn’t actually Max) continued to play the piano, she saw the walls begin to get covered in paint. She had seen Max create with his piano before. Surrounding them, the walls were covered with a grotesque painting that depicted a scene that would follow Evianna into her nightmares for a very long time. The first thing she saw was the remains of a kingdom that looked to be burnt to the ground. With what she did not know. Then, she saw the largest labyrinth she had ever seen in her life with a pool in the middle of it. There was so much blood in the pathways. She walked over to the image on the wall and put her hand over the surface. 

    The third image that appeared out of nowhere was what shook her to the bone. In the middle of a dark forest, stood two figures. Cloaked in black hooded capes that flowed down to the ground. All you could see of their faces were their glowing eyes, which seemed to follow her as she walked through the room. Floating above the two figures was a third. It was cloaked like the others but she could see its head. The creature’s head was actually just a skull with antlers coming out of the top. Its eyes glowed green as she continued to stare into them, she couldn’t stop herself as much as she tried. Her head would not turn away. She swore that she could hear it speaking to her in a hoarse voice that was coming from deep within it. You’ll meet your end at the hand of your best friend. Watch each step young one. The creature breathed in deeply and Evianna swore that she felt its breath on her arms, causing goosebumps to cover them. Its eyes never leaving her.

     The images continued on but before she could examine them anymore, they started to fade away. 

    The man playing the piano still looked like Max but started to transform into Jack, then Bentley, and then finally into a woman that looked so familiar to Evianna. “Mom?” Evianna walked away from the wall and to her mother. She went to her hoping to be able to give her a hug, but she disappeared like the illusion that she should have realized that she was the entire time. Everything she had seen behind the door disappeared in the blink of her eye and there she stood on the other side of the green door, just staring. From her side, Bentley hopped by and saw her looking at the door. 

    “Don’t even bother with that Evianna. Nobody has been able to ever open the door for over three centuries. I don’t believe that there is anything on the other side anyway.” Bentley hopped off in the opposite direction. 

    Evianna stood there staring at the door with wide eyes. She could still see the paintings on the walls and then see her mother sitting there. A woman she hadn’t seen in over twelve years. What could that creature had meant? You’ll meet your end at the hand of your best friend. It could not have been true. She backed up from the door and continued down the path back towards the castle. Some days she really loved the craziness of her kingdom and other days she wished that something felt normal again. She wasn’t quite sure what normal was anymore though. 

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