Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Prompt 24

 May 24th

Create your own one-of-a-kind mythological creature.

The Laughing Ancients: 

     - Known to be the oldest living creatures in all of Grimmless. Their heads were the way that you could tell how old they are. Most were known to not have more than five heads, which meant that they were five hundred years old, a head for each century. But there was at least one in the history of Grimmless that was much older than that. Their name comes from the fits of laughter that they would break into. 

    The creatures lived in large bodies of water and were not known by most inhabitants of the world of Grimmless. Even though they had an immense size, they were very good at hiding. If you happen to come across them in your exploration of Grimmless be careful. They are not known to eat travelers in most cases but there always is a chance. Good luck and happy travels. 

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