Monday, May 23, 2022

Prompt 23

 May 23rd

My Top 1o Favorite Movies 

1. Stardust- This movie has been a favorite of mine ever since I first watched it. At the time, I didn't even realize that it was also a book. I didn't find that out until maybe three years later. I also really love Neil Gaiman's book. This is my favorite movie of all time. 

2. The Empire Strikes Back- My favorite Star Wars movie. I cannot tell you how many times I have watched this, but it has been a lot, along with the rest of the original trilogy. No other Star Wars movie is ever going to beat this out for me. It's just so great. 

3. A Knight's Tale- One of the funniest movies that I have ever watched. I adore Paul Bettany and Heath Ledger in this. The story is a favorite that makes me laugh so hard. There are so many great lines in this. Especially, the scene below. Bettany is an amazing actor. 

4. Saving Mr. Banks- I really love this movie so much and I wish Disney would do more movies like this, with Tom Hanks as Walt. He really embodied Walt. Definitely, my favorite live-action Disney movie. Also, I love the way that they combined Travers past along with the present. Beautiful movie!

5. The Little Mermaid- This is in my top two favorite Disney movies of all time along with the next movie. I have loved Ariel's story since I was a little girl. This is probably my most-watched movie from when I was a child. My sister and I used to watch it a lot. We broke two VHSs because we watched them so much. I adore the story and the music. The ending scene with King Triton always makes me tear up. 

King Triton: "Well, I guess there's just one problem left."

Sebastian: "And what's that, your majesty?"

King Triton: "How much I'm going to miss her..." πŸ˜’

"I love you, Daddy." 

6. Hercules- This is my other favorite Disney movie. I have a hard time picking between this and The Little Mermaid. I love the music and the story. Also, this is the first movie that got me into Greek Mythology and now I'm hooked on those stories. I'm even writing my own takes on those tales. This will always be a favorite of mine that I could watch at any time. Hades makes my sarcastic/snarky heart happy.

7. My Best Friend's Wedding- "The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup. I say a little prayer for you..." This movie is gold. Especially, their version of "I Say a Little Prayer" I have watched this movie a lot over the years with my mom and it will never get old. It is so funny and heartwarming. George will always be a favorite. 

8. My Girl- I love a movie that can make me cry and man, does this make me cry. This is such a sweet story that touched my heart. Also, little Macaulay Culkin was in a lot of great movies. Home Alone is my favorite Christmas movie. He was such a cutie in this one. 

Now, we'll have my cheat answers because I can't pick from these sets of movies to put on here. 

9. The Lord of the Rings trilogy- My favorite trilogy and my favorite fantasy movie series. I love these movies with all my heart. Just thinking about them makes me happy. I definitely have to watch them again real soon. Also, the books are some of my absolute favorites.

10. The Librarian Movies- These movies make me think of my dad a lot. Dad and I used to watch these all the time whenever they were on tv. It's been years since we have but I still remember those days. 

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