Monday, May 16, 2022

Prompt 16

 May 16th

A Writer's Life For Me Tag

Another tag for my prompt for today. Below is a link to the video where I first saw this tag. I don't actually know who created it originally. 

1. What kind of writer are you?
     ✍️ Young adult fantasy
     ✍️ Young adult and adult contemporary
     ✍️ Poetry

2. When did you start writing and what made you want to try it?
     ✍️ Majorly in tenth grade, I have always really loved the idea of creating worlds that people can experience. Worlds that become real to people just as much as our own. It's an incredible feeling. I wanted to create my own worlds that people would want to venture to.

3. What inspires your stories?
    ✍️ There is so much that has inspired my writing. Whether that be the books that I love, a random line, nature, or just life in general. A lot of times some random idea will pop in my head from something I saw in a dream. Or I'll get an idea from something someone said. It all depends.

4. What themes do you explore in your writing?
     ✍️ There are multiple examples of themes throughout the books I'm writing now. There's a bit of ambition, coming of age, courage, deception, discovery, and I could continue on from there.

    ✍️ For an overall theme, I'd say coming of age. Max and Evianna are both growing up and learning how to live in the world around them.

5. Are you a plotter, pantser, or planters?
    ✍️ Definitely, a plotter. I like having a somewhat clear idea of where I'm going in a story. I like having a full working outline, though it does change as I'm writing.

6. Where are you in your writing journey?
     ✍️ I have written one novel and am almost done with my second. I also have a working outline for the rest of the books in my series. There are also other ideas that I have worked on over the years that I have started. On WIP that I have is at about 30,000 words and I have so many ideas for that. 

7. Have you entered any writing contests? Did you win any?
    ✍️ I entered into a poetry contest five years ago. I didn't win but I was published in an anthology. That was an incredible achievement.

8. Who are your writing heroes?
     ✍️ Terry Pratchett, Chris Colfer, Neil Gaiman, Madeleine Miller, Rebecca Ross, and Diana Wynne Jones

9. Have you been to a writing conference?
     ✍️ Yes, I went to the Virginia Woolf Conference in college for a paper that I wrote on Mina Loy.  It was a great experience.

10. What are your top 3 writing tips?
      1. Don't be afraid of writing something you weren't planning to originally into a story. You never know where it may go.

      2. Write what you know and what you love.

      3. Believe that you can finish what you are working on. Don't doubt yourself.

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