Thursday, April 28, 2022

Terry Pratchett's Birthday Post

In dedication to Terry Pratchett
April 28th, 1948- March 12th, 2015


I first read a Terry Pratchett book at the beginning of college, when I read Good Omens, by both him and Neil Gaiman. The story that Neil tells about how the book started is one of my favorites. I love hearing about the friendship that they both shared and it just makes me wish more and more that I could have met Terry. 

I started reading the Discworld back in 2017 and have been reading the series consistantly ever since. This year, over five years later, I decided that I am going to finish the 41-book series. I'm going to be reading books 30 and 31 next month (Wee Free Men and Monstrous Regiment). The Discworld seemed like quite the undertaking when I had started it but thank God I did. It's one of the best pieces of literature that I have ever read in my life. I love how Terry wrote this series and that they can be technically all read separately, in the subseries, and also together as a full series. Over the years, I have gotten so connected to each of his characters. Granny Weatherwax, Death, The Librarian, Sam Vimes, Captain Carrot, Nanny Ogg, and I could go on and on. They feel like family, and I feel that more and more each time I read the books. 

Terry had a one-of-a-kind writing style that pulled me into his books so long ago. Not only is he one of my all-time favorite authors, but he's also one of my biggest inspirations as an author. I will never stop speaking his name. #Speakhisname

Today, on what would have been his 74th birthday, we celebrate Terry Pratchett Day.  #TerryPratchettDay🐝 It's a day to celebrate the man's work, his life, and just to celebrate him. Happy Birthday Terry. 

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