Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Series I’d Like to Finish


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Series I’d Like to Finish

1. The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett- My top goal for this year was to finish reading this series. I am 38 books in, and I only have three more books left. This month, I will be reading Snuff and Raising Steam. It's bittersweet for me to finish this series, but I'm happy to say I am almost done. I have had a lot of fun reading this ever since the beginning of 2017, and I know that I'll reread it over and over again. 

2. Strange the Dreamer duology by Laini Taylor- I read Strange the Dreamer years ago and have not picked up the sequel yet. My plan is to hopefully get to it next year. I really don't think I can this year, but hopefully, it'll be soon. Strange the Dreamer was one of my favorite books of 2017. 

3. Groo comics series by Sergio Aragonés- One of my goals for the last couple of years is to finish a graphic novel/comic series. In 2020, I read the Sandman graphic novels by Neil Gaiman. Last year, I read The Lumberjanes graphic novels, and this year I read Jim Henson's the Storyteller series. I believe that I'm going to read all of the Groo series that I can find next year. 

4. Descender by Jeff Lemire- I read the first volume of Descender a few years ago and have yet to pick up the final volume. It was one of my favorite science fiction stories that I have ever read besides The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

5. The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy "Trilogy" by Douglas Adams- One of my favorite books of all time will always be The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I have read the next two books in the series, but I did not enjoy them as much as the first. I would love to eventually read the other two books. Hopefully. 

6. Stephen Fry's Greek Mythology series- I have read Mythos and Troy. I still have to read Heroes, and his version of The Odyssey will hopefully come out next year. Stephen Fry is one of my favorite authors, audiobook narrators, and actors. His versions of Greek Mythology are great, and I cannot wait to see his take on The Odyssey. Also, I recommend the audiobook versions of the books. They are great!

7. The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde- Earlier this year, I read The Eyre Affair and had an awesome time. I first heard about this series many years ago, and I just loved the idea behind it. I'll always be a sucker for books where the characters go into other literary works. One of my goals next year is to get through more of this series. 

8. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor- Another Laini Taylor series that I would love to finish sometime soon. 

9. Pandava series by Roshani Chokshi- I loved the first two books in this series when I read them but never read the rest. Mythology retellings will always be some of my favorites, and I loved learning about Indian mythology in this one.

10. Rise of the Empress Series by Julie C. Dao- Another book that I absolutely adored from 2017 was Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. I'll always be a sucker for villain origin stories, and this one was one of the best that I have ever read. It was one of the books that I reviewed for Audiofile Magazine, and I fully enjoyed the narration. I have yet to pick up the rest of the series, but I would love to.


  1. I haven't read any of these! I have a friend who absolutely loved The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy though. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for checking out my list! I'll have to check out yours.

  2. I haven't read any comic series or Stephen Fry books but maybe I will add them to my list. I have read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but haven't read the others.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I really enjoyed the comic series I have read. Stephen Fry's books are great. Thank you for checking out my list. I'll check out yours.

  3. I love DiscWorld as well and have been sloooooooowly making my way through them for a decade now. I find I appreciate them more if I read something else in between.


    1. Same with me for the Discworld. Thank you for checking out my post. I'll check out yours too.

  4. The Thursday Next series is fun! I mean, I've only read the first book but I enjoyed it. I need to re-read it and then keep going with the series. Good luck with all these!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to get to the rest of the Thursday Next series.

  5. I started Hitchhiker's Guide but never finished! I should go back and give that another shot. I thought Lumberjanes was fun. :)

    1. Lumberjanes is a lot of fun. I recommend finishing Hitchhiker's, it's definitely one of my favorites. Thank you for checking out my list.
