Monday, November 28, 2022

Reviews Week 47

 Reviews Week 47

November 21st-27th

Book 162: Fantastic Tales of Nothing

by Alejandra Green and Fanny Rodriguez 

Read on November 24th


This graphic novel was very cute, and I loved the illustration style throughout. It had an interesting world that I enjoyed seeing more of throughout the volume. Also, the story kept me wanting to know what would happen next. I read this book almost two years ago and did not completely remember all of the details, but I did remember that it ended on a cliffhanger. It had cute jokes throughout, and I believe that it would be perfect for middle-grade readers and older readers alike. I will be picking up my ARC of the second book very soon.

Book 163: Here, There Be Dragons

by James A. Owen

Read on November 23rd-24th


This is the third time I have tried to pick up this book and read it. I decided to listen to the audiobook this time, and I enjoyed that much more than I ever did trying to read the physical book. What drew me to this series so many years ago was the concept. I loved the idea of the Imaginarium Geographica and the Archipelago of Dreams but could never get into the writing style of the book. The narrator for this series is James Langton, the same narrator of The Prydain Chronicles, and he does an incredible job with both. I highly recommend the books that he narrates.

I want to pick up other books in this series to see what happens next. The reveal of who the caretakers are at the end of the story was cool, and I want to see what other adventures they get into throughout the rest of the series.

Book 164: Death of a Salesman

by Arthur Miller

Read on November 26th


I have read and watched different versions of this play many times in my life. The first time was when I was in tenth grade back in 2010, and I remember how much this story touched me at that time. Over the years since, I have watched the movie version twice and have read it three more times. Every time I experience a version of this play, it touches me more than the last time.

This time around, I watched the movie version again and followed along with the play. Dustin Hoffman, Kate Reid, John Malkovich, and Stephen Lang do an incredible job as the Loman family. The best way to experience a play, at least in my opinion, is to watch a performance. You get so much more of a story from the performances. This is still one of my favorite plays, and I know it will always be.

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