Monday, November 7, 2022

Reviews Week 44

 Reviews Week 44

October 31st-November 6th

Book 148: I Shall Wear Midnight

by Terry Pratchett

Read on October 30th-31st


I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett is almost as good as The Wee Free Men. I really enjoyed the antics that the Nac Mac Feegles got up to in this book, especially when they go to Ankh Morpork with Tiffany. There were so many scenes that had me laughing. I especially enjoyed the storyline with Tiffany dealing with being the witch of the Chalk and what that entailed. Also, the scenes with Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg were gold. I can't believe I only have three more books left in the series. 

Book 149: Waking Beauty

by Rebecca Solnit

Read on November 1st


This was a cute version of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. I enjoyed the illustrations and the writing style, though I believe it was trying a little too hard to be quirky. The best part of this story was the fact that it had three different tales that connected at the end. Also, I love how the story was formatted throughout with the illustrations.

*Thank you to Edelweiss and the publisher for my ARC of the book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 150: Disney Princess: Beyond the Tiara

by Emily Zemler

Read on November 1st


I have wanted to read this book ever since I saw it first advertised months ago. It has a good assortment of background information on each Disney Princess movie, along with some concept art. My favorite section in the book was Chapter 1: Once Upon a Dream, which focused on the origins of each of the movies. That was a lot of fun to read. The other sections were also good reads too. I love how the book focused on each of the princesses' impacts on the world. Also, the forward from Jodi Benson was great. Ariel will always be a favorite princess of mine. This book taught me something that I did not know about her. I did not know she was named after Ariel from Footloose.

*Thank you to Edelweiss for my ARC of the book. All opinions are my own.* 

Book 151: The Legend of Misty Mountains

by Shiva Sethuraman

Read on November 2nd-4th


The Legend of Misty Mountains takes place in quite an interesting fantasy land that I enjoyed reading about. It contains dwarfs, magicians, people who are called ''Strikers'' and also the ''Wise Men.'' The world-building was pretty good, though it had me wanting more. I wanted so many more details, and I'm surprised that the book was so short. It could have focused so much more on how Misty Mountains started and the magic system.

I like how Misty Mountains were introduced in the book after one of "The Strange People" saw someone from the mountains floating above. It was neat to see what that world thought of them and then meeting the actual people of the Misty Mountains. 

The whole part of the book with Hidden World was great, but again I think so much more of the book could have focused on it. I like what happens with the magicians and how they build up their new world with the children with unique abilities. Also, I wish that the "Strikers' " motivations could have been expanded upon. 

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and will probably check out the sequel. I want to know what happens next and more about this world.

*Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC copy of the book. All opinions are my own.* 

Book 152: The Diaries of Adam and Eve

by Mark Twain

Read on November 4th


I first heard about this short novella because I did a lesson on it for work. It surprised me that I had never heard of this story before, and I really wanted to read it. So, I borrowed it from my library and had such a fun time with it. Mark Twain is known for his satire, and this was the best I have read from him. I especially loved Adam’s part and how he talks about Eve throughout. It was funny and had me laughing so hard. This story was a lot of fun, and I completely recommend it. 

Book 153: The Heartstopper Yearbook

by Alice Oseman

Read on November 5th


Alice Oseman’s Heartstopper is one of my favorite graphic novel series. I was excited when I saw she was coming out with a book like this with behind-the-scenes information on the story, the boys, and everything you could think of. This beautiful book made me so happy when I read it. I cannot wait to read the rest of the Heartstopper series when Alice gets the next volume published. It’ll be sad to see Charlie and Nick’s story end, though. I recommend this to any Heartstopper fan. You’ll love this book. 

Book 154: An Atlas of Lost Kingdoms

by Emily Hawkins

Read on November 6th


I have always been obsessed with fantasy maps in books and atlases. Needless to say, I was excited when I saw this on Edelweiss to review. This book was an enjoyable read. I went into this book thinking that I would know most of the lost kingdoms/islands, but there were a good amount that I had not ever heard of before. It was a great reference book with beautiful illustrations. I will definitely be picking up a copy of this for my collection. 

*Thank you to Edelweiss for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 155: Twig: Volume 1

by Skottie Young

Read on November 6th


I have wanted a new adventure series like this from Skottie Young ever since I first finished the I Hate Fairyland graphic novel series (can’t wait for him to return to that!). It is great to be able to say that I loved this book just as much as I enjoyed that series. Twig is such an interesting character, along with his friends Splat and Lobee. Their adventure throughout this story kept me interested the entire time, and I cannot wait to see what will happen next. 

I loved the style, which felt cute and creepy at the same time. The illustrations were absolutely stunning throughout, and I loved how much they fit what was happening in the story. This land feels so extensive, and it was great to see Twig and the gang trek through it as they continued on their mission. 

Overall, this was an absolute delight to read, and I cannot wait to see more of this world in future volumes. I will also be buying a copy of this book for my collection. It’ll be great to have it on the shelf beside Gert’s story. 

*Thank you to Edelweiss for my ARC of the book. All opinions are my own.*

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