Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Reviews Week 38

 Reviews Week 38

September 19th-25th

Book 125: Prince of Song & Sea

By Linsey Miller

Read on September 18th-19th


The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie, and I was excited to see the story from Eric's perspective. I'm so happy to say that I absolutely adored Linsey's take on the story. She added so much to the story and to Eric's backstory but, for the most part, did not change the story beats from the original. I enjoyed seeing the events from the movie, especially the scenes when Ariel was doing something that Eric didn't notice, like at their first dinner together with Ariel getting Sebastian out of Grimsby's food. 

One of the aspects I loved the most was the addition of Eric's curse and how that plays into his story as a whole. I love what Linsey did with his curse and how that went into his character. Also, I love the dynamic between him, Grimsby, Carlotta, and his friends introduced in the book.

My other favorite part of this book is the relationship between Ariel and Eric. I'm glad we got to have more of them spending time together and their relationship. It was wonderful seeing even more of Ariel's character, who will always be a favorite of mine. I could not help but sing the music that went along with the scenes.

I highly recommend this book to fans of the original story. It was such a great book! I already preordered my own copy of the book. 

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of the book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 126: The Eye of the World

By Robert Jordan

Read on September 20th-25th


I went into this book with too high of expectations, which definitely went into my overall enjoyment of it. The setting was interesting, and it kept me wanting more from the world.  

One thing that detracted from the book was the fact that it sometimes felt predictable. I knew from the beginning where the story was going to go. Sometimes this is fine in books, but in this one, it just took me out of the book. 

Also, I could not stand Rand as a character or his companions from Two Rivers. I enjoyed Moiraine's character, but I couldn't help but want more information about her. Truthfully, I wish that this book was about her. I wanted to learn even more about the magic system and her people.

This book is about 800 pages and does not lack descriptions, though it meanders a lot. The entire time I could not help but compare it to The Lord of the Rings, especially with the similarities throughout it. Tolkien is known for his extensive descriptions but never bored me. The Eye of the World dragged for me, and I could feel the length the entire time. 

Overall, this book was not the book for me, and I wanted so much more from it.

Book 127: Long Winter

By Rachel Ember

Read on September 25th


I really enjoyed Robbie and Lance's story in this novel. I'm always a sucker for this type of romance, the forced proximity, cowboys, and winter setting. This book was very sweet. I look forward to coming back to these characters in the second book of this series, Signs of Spring

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