Thursday, October 31, 2024

Agatha All Along: Episodes 8 & 9 Spoiler Review πŸ‘»

 “Follow Me My Friend / To Glory at the End” 

& “Maiden Mother Crone”

This post is going to be filled with spoilers for the final two episodes of Agatha All Along. Do not read any of this if you don’t want to know what happened. What a great set of episodes full of surprises I never would have guessed. Wow. One of my favorite shows I have ever watched and I look forward to watching it again. 

Agatha and Nicky

~ I like that the scenes from Agatha’s past focused on her relationship with Nicky. They make the rumor that Agatha gave up her son for the Darkhold so much more sad and terrible. She adored that little boy with all her heart. Rio even asks why she lets people believe such terrible things and Agatha says it’s easier. I believe it’s easier for her to have people disgusted with her instead of feeling sorry for what actually happened to him. We open Episode 9 with Agatha in labor with Nicky and going through the forest. It was so sad when Rio came while she was trying to give birth. So, he was supposed to die during childbirth but Agatha was able to make a deal with Rio for a little bit of more time. She appealed to her love and it worked, if only for a short time. 

~ I wonder if that is part of the reason she went after all the witches. She was able to get powers from them but was there more to it? From what we see of their relationship in the show, Agatha seems to be used to getting bodies for Rio. Does Agatha kill so much so that she can continue to live on way past her time and does she try to do the same thing for Nicky?

~ It was so sad watching this episode knowing Nicky was not going to make it. I had assumed that he had died and Rio just had to do her job. She hinted at this earlier in the show. This did not make the scene when she had to take him away any less sad, especially when we see Agatha’s reaction to it. I think it’s interesting that she had a romantic relationship with Death, when she has also been running from her for so long. 

~ The biggest shock was finding out that Agatha and Nicky made up The Witches Road song themselves. I love how we heard an early version of it until they came up with what we first heard in the beginning of the show. Then we find out after Nicky died, Agatha started using the song to get witches to try and join her in a coven and used this to get their powers. Just like she tried to do during episode 2 of this show. I liked the scene when we see her throughout time tricking so many witches. Then we get the final confirmation of the biggest reveal of the show. 

The Road- It was Billy All Along

~ What a reveal at the end of episode 8 and into episode 9! There were so many clues throughout this entire show to this reveal but I did not see it going the way it did. I figured that Billy had some control over at least what the Road was looking like, especially since so many elements from his/William’s room was on the Road. But I never would have thought that the Road was not real or that he created it himself. 

~ I could not believe when we found out that the Road never existed and it was all a story made up by Agatha to get powers. All of it starting with a song she made up with Nicky. It was great that they showed us the clues to it throughout the show. I had assumed that Agatha was so surprised it worked because she had never been on the road and wasn’t even sure if it had existed to begin with. Now, we know she just planned on using the same story again to get power from the witches, knowing it was not real. And then Billy comes along and creates the Road himself. 

~ This reveal makes me wonder what Billy is capable of doing with his magic. He did so much unconsciously, so what can he do when he’s able to control his magic? Also, he was able to help each of the witches in the coven, even if most of them died on the Road. Sharon was reunited with her husband (I still hate that she died), Alice was able to end her family’s curse, Lilia was finally able to accept her fate and finally had a coven, Jenn was able to be unblocked, and Agatha sacrificed herself for someone else. Cannot believe Agatha was the witch that bound Jenn! 

Coven of…Two

~ I was thinking Agatha would die at the end of this show, so it didn’t surprise me. She has been avoiding Death for a long time and Rio showing back up in her life only meant it was a matter of time. You can tell how much Rio cared for her after it happened. Such a sad scene. 

~ I adore the relationship between Agatha and Billy and am eagerly awaiting to see more of it in the future. She sacrificed herself to save Billy. So beautiful and funny that she decides to tell him that she didn’t do it. Agatha has been living her life and doing everything to better herself and stay alive. She has not had someone in her life that she cared for in such a way since Nicky and she finally has that again with Billy. I don’t think it’s sad because she has been running from it for so long and she did it for a good reason. She finally did something selflessly and I believe that is a beautiful ending for her. 

~ It’s great that we are getting ghost Agatha and Billy going off at the end to find Tommy. I look forward to seeing them work together some more. Kathryn Hahn and Joe Locke are incredible and their dynamic is top-notch. I can imagine what will happen next in their story. Supposedly, they are making a Wiccan show. So here’s hoping.

Final Thoughts

~ Agatha All Along is the witchy show I have been wanting with all my heart for a very long time. I adored WandaVision and was eagerly looking forward to this show. It is great to be able to say it was even better than I believed it would be. Being back in Westview was a dream come true and I’m glad we even got to see the residents a couple of times throughout the show. 

~ Agatha is a great villainous character who secretly cares for people deep down. She was enjoyable to watch in WandaVision but was even better in her own show. I love that we delved deep into her character and learned so much about who she was. There’s still more they could do with her and I’m looking forward to more MCU projects with her.

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