Thursday, October 24, 2024

Agatha All Along: Episode 7 Spoiler Review πŸ’€

 “Death’s Hand in Mine” 

Episode 7 of Agatha All Along is definitely my favorite episode by far. I knew we were going to get a Lilia focused one based on what this was leading to the entire time and it was everything I ever wanted it to be. Don’t read the rest of this post if you do not want to be spoiled. I will be talking about the entire episode and this will spoil everything. Only one more week left of the show. 

Lilia’s Traveling

~ I love that this whole episode focused on Lilia’s traveling through time and that we got to see it from her perspective. It was interesting getting it out of order and seeing the pieces all add up in the end as Lilia realized what was going on. We have had pieces of her traveling ever since episode 2 of the show. I love how we get to see each of those scenes in this one. Time travel, whatever form it takes in a fictional work, will always be one of my favorite devices. 

~ The storytelling was top-notch to show Lilia’s story. I cannot wait to watch this entire show again knowing what we do after this episode. 

~ It’s interesting to see how Lilia is not able to control her abilities in the ways she would like. She even tells Jenn that she in the past tried to ignore them. This gives me more reason to believe that Agatha is telling the truth about her own power to take other’s magic. I don’t believe she can control it either. 

~ Lilia’s Maestra from her childhood was an important part of Lilia’s journey throughout this episode. She helped Lilia bring the pieces together to figure out what was needed to be done for her coven. 

“In the end, all roads lead to me”-Death

~ I wish the Funko pops were not spoiled online before this episode. It would have been awesome to get the reveal of Rio being Death here instead of in a blurry leaked photo. There have been clues the entire show but still. 

~ We will probably see Lilia, Alice, and Sharon again when Rio went to collect their souls. It will probably be in the next episode. At least, I assume so. That’s probably why Rio was in the area when the coven was trying to call upon a green witch. She was collecting Sharon’s soul. It would also explain where she was after Alice died. 

~ Most likely, that is why she has been on the road with them because “Death” was following their path. Lilia was probably able to see Rio’s true form during this episode because of her power. She has been able to see when people would die before it happened since she was a child and knows what is going to happen to herself later on in the episode. 

The Trial

~ The trial’s theme was very fitting for Lilia, especially with her aversion to the stereotypical witch. I loved seeing each of the coven members dressed as such iconic witches. Lilia as Glinda, Agatha as the Wicked Witch of the West, Jenn as the Evil Queen from Snow White, and Billy as Maleficent. This made me wish we could have seen who Alice, Rio, and Sharon would have been in this. 

~ It was also obviously perfect for Lilia’s divination powers. I like how we saw the trial first just with Billy and Agatha before Jenn and Lilia find their way in. This helped show how important each witch is for the different trials on the road. You cannot leave your coven behind because they are needed to complete it. I love that they really are showing the importance of having a coven for witches, especially in this episode. First, Lilia’s Maestra asks Lilia if she has a coven and when Lilia says she hasn’t had luck with them her maestra tells her how important it is to have one. What Lilia has been missing is a coven and she realizes this when she is doing the Tarot reading for herself. I loved that scene so much hearing how happy she was to realize this.

~ Before Billy and Agatha get to the trial, we do get another heated conversation from them. This time about Wanda. I don’t think that Wanda is dead and I’m hoping this might be one step closer to getting her back. Especially, since Agatha is not sure if she is dead or not. 

~ I love seeing Lilia go through the Tarot cards on the table and showing when she realized who each member of the coven was in regards to the cards. I do remember many of these scenes but some of them I didn’t notice when she said them the first time. There were so many details given to us throughout the rest of this show that really played off here. So damn clever!

~ Lilia’s sacrifice was so sad but I had a feeling it would happen for awhile. What really broke me was when she was talking to everyone at the end before she stayed behind. She did also give her final prophecy to Agatha when she said “When she calls you a coward, hit the deck.” So I guess we will be seeing what she means pretty soon. Her line “I loved being a witch,” got me crying. Lilia has been my favorite of the witches pretty much since the beginning. She was definitely the one I wanted to know the most about. I’m glad we got an episode like this for her. Beautiful. 

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