Monday, September 30, 2024

In Loving Memory of Gavin Creel

The news of Gavin Creel’s passing broke my heart today. I have loved him for about 20 years, ever since I first saw him in Eloise at Christmastime. One of my first big crushes and I have adored him ever since. He had such incredible talent. A beautiful voice, I used to listen to for hours when I needed something to cheer me up. 

My favorite was his performance of “Take Me or Leave Me” that he sung with Aaron Tveit. It is a brilliant take on the famous song from Rent which always gets a smile on my face. I cannot tell you how many times I have watched it over the years. 

I’ll be spending the rest of the evening listening to his music and watching my favorite clips of him from musicals. Never got the chance to see him live, but I always wanted to. Gone to early. 

RIP Gavin. You are so loved. ❤️ 🎶

September Reviews

🍁  September Reviews 🍂

September 1st-30th

September was one of my best months so far this year. I read 19 books and they were almost all 4 or 5 stars. 

Book 82: The Dark Tower: And Other Stories

By C. S. Lewis

Read August 31st- September 1st

Pages: 240

Release Year: 1977


An interesting set of short stories from C.S. Lewis with some that were never finished. I particularly enjoyed “The Dark Tower” and wish we could have gotten the full story. Lewis was such an intriguing man. I believe this more every time I pick up another one of his works.

Book 83: The Screwtape Letters

By C.S. Lewis

Read September 2nd

Pages: 209

Release Year: 1942


A satire told through letters written by Screwtape, a senior assistant “To Our Father Below,” to his nephew Wormwood, who is trying to complete his first temptation of a human’s soul. I was recommended this book by an atheist, which I find intriguing in itself since it is obviously a cautionary tale for believers. The Screwtape Letters is one of C.S. Lewis’s most praised works besides The Chronicles of Narnia and after reading this it is easy to see why it is so well loved.  

I can’t say I read this for the Christian aspects, but I highly enjoyed reading Screwtape’s advice to his nephew. It shows how humankind can be lead astray through a quite different vantage point: the eyes of a demon. C.S. Lewis’s choice to write the story in this way was clever.

Lewis’s style of writing draws in readers through his discussions on Christianity, but also ethics, etiquette, and psychology. He was considered to be one of the most highly read of his time and it is obvious when you read his writings. The man was highly intelligent. He is definitely not for everybody, but I know I will continue to read through his works.

Book 84: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 1: Madly Ever After

By Skottie Young

Read September 3rd

Pages: 128

Release Year: 2016


September 3rd, 2024 reread:
I decided to reread this for the first time in six years before the seventh volume comes out. I love this series so much and cannot wait to see what will happen next.

November 2017 reread:

This is my third read of this volume of I Hate Fairyland. I like rereading them each time a new one comes out. Again, I really love this graphic novel series. The humor is great and the way Skottie plays with tropes of fairy tales is the best part. The colors used in this comic and the illustrations can be very beautiful.

Book 85: I Hate Fairyland. Vol. 2: Fluff My Life

By Skottie Young

Read September 3rd

Pages: 144

Release Year: 2016


September 2024 reread:
I decided to reread the entire series to lead up to the seventh volume and am having such a great time. My opinions haven’t changed for this part of Gert’s tale. Love Larry’s snarky humor so much. He is hilarious!

November 2017 reread:
The first volume of I Hate Fairyland is one of my favorite graphic novels I have ever read. This volume is enjoyable and funny, but it doesn't hold the originality of the first volume. The main joke going through this one, which is the same as the first, is that Gert wants to go home. Don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy it, but not as much as the first. Some of the scenes in this are so funny, especially when Gert goes into Larry's hat. I believe the best part of this volume and of the first was Larry's snarky humor. He makes these for me. This is still one of my favorite graphic novel series and I had a great time reading it a second time.

Book 86: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 3: Good Girl

By Skottie Young

Read September 4th

Pages: 128

Release Year: 2017


September 2024 reread:
I have loved returning to this series to reread every volume before the seventh. My favorite parts are still the Labyrinth scenes.

November 2017 review:
This volume was great! The humor in this volume, especially centering around Larry was some of the best in the entire series. I loved the issue with Larry's past and him seeing a different future for himself if he didn't meet Gert. It was definitely different than I expected. My favorite part of this was the spoof of the movie Labyrinth. When they first said that they needed to go to a labyrinth, I was expecting that they were going to play with the myth of the Minotaur from Greek Mythology. I never expected the jokes with the movie Labyrinth. It is one of my favorite movies and I enjoyed seeing how Skottie played with it. Parody is one of my favorite types of humor. Loveth Lovelord was a handful.

Larry is and will always be my favorite part of these comics. He's so snarky and isn't afraid to speak his mind. It was great actually seeing him care for Gert. Like I said before, the issue based all around him was one of the best.

Also, that ending. Man... I want the next volume right now. This was a great continuation of the series. The only thing that I marked this down for was that the joke of Gert trying to get home is getting a little old. I did like her trying to become "a good girl" though. All I could think of the whole time was "yeah right." The art style in this is just as great as in the other two issues. I cannot get enough of how stunning it really is.

I recommend reading this. It was a great addition to the series.

Book 87: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 4: Sadly Never After

By Skottie Young

Read September 4th-5th

Pages: 120

Release Year: 2018

September 2024:
I love this ending to the first part of Gert's tale. It was definitely the best out of volumes 2-4.

September 2018 read:
A great ending to one of my favorite graphic novel series. I'm going to miss Gert and Larry's adventures.

Book 88: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 5: Gert's Inferno

By Skottie Young, Brett Bean (Illustrator)

Read September 5th

Pages: 128

Release Year: 2023


September 5th, 2024 reread:
Loving this reread of the entire Fairyland series. This is such a great volume and I love the references to Dante’s Inferno.

July 13th, 2023 review
I have been hoping that Skottie would return to Gert and Fairyland and was excited to read Gert’s new adventures when he announced them. This was a lot of fun and had me laughing. Love the references as usual. The one thing this made me want to do is reread the rest of the series again. Can’t wait to see what happens next after that ending.

Book 89: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 6: Last Gert Standing

By Skottie Young, Brett Bean (Illustrator)

Read September 6th

Pages: 128

Release Year: 2024


September 6th, 2024 reread:
Volume 6 was even better after reading the other volumes before it. This is such a great part of the series!

January 22nd, 2024 review:
It’s great having the young Gert back in this volume. Made me think of the old volumes in many ways and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens after the ending. I love returning to this world again.

Book 90: I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 7: In the Mean Time

By Skottie Young, Brett Bean (Illustrator)

Read September 6th

Pages: 128

Release Year: 2024


I didn’t love the first few issues in this volume but the final two made up for that. It was great to see Gert gang up with old friends and try to save Fairyland for a change. The arc in Issues 14 and 15 is one of the better ones from this later part of the series. Love the return of Virgil (he’s one of my favorite side characters).  I am eagerly looking forward to Volume 8. Happy End Game sounds great and apparently, a certain Kansas girl will making an appearance.
Book 91: The Unsleeping Witch
The Gingerbread Witch Book 2

By Alexandra Overy

Read September 7th-9th

Pages: 288

Release Year: 2023


A very good follow-up to The Gingerbread Witch, this time twisting in the fairy tale of “Sleeping Beauty.”  I love witchy stories and am enjoying following Maud, Gretel, Noss, and all of the other characters on their adventures. We get many more witches in this tale along with characters from the past.  

Alexandra’s series would be a great one for middle grade readers. It has a strong focus on friendship, many dynamic characters, and Maud’s search for identity in a world she doesn’t feel like she belongs in. Many children will relate with various characters and story elements.

Also, there are so many fun fantasy elements, such as: a dragon library, a creepy wood, magical gummy snakes, and a twist on one of the most famous sleeping curses in literature. I hope there will be more from this series in the future.

Book 92: The Shadow Dragons
The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica Book 4

By James A. Owen

Read September 11th-13th

Pages: 417

Release Year: 2009

This series just gets better as it continues. I loved the addition of the Tamerlane House with the previous caretakers which included William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, and so many more historical and literary figures.

James A. Owen has created such a wonderful fantasy world that I love to travel through on every single page.

Book 93: Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs

By Erick Didriksen

Read September 14th

Pages: 112

Release Year: 2015


I love books that take modern-day writings/stories and rewrite them as if they were by Shakespeare. This is a clever book.
Book 94: The Lantern of Lost Memories

By Sanaka Hiiragi, Jesse Kirkwood (Translator)

Read September 13th-15th

Pages: 208

Release Year: 2024 (USA)

The Lantern of Lost Memories is one of the most beautiful books I have read in a long time. It made me think of The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Under the Whispering Door. I'm always interested in stories that imagine what happens after death, especially ones with such interesting premises.

I loved the idea of the lantern which literally is used to make people's lives flash before their eyes before they pass on. This book had me thinking of my own past and the pictures I could find in such a place. I love how Mr. Hirasaka brings each person back in time to an important moment in their lives to take the perfect image for their lanterns. Each of their stories were wonderful to read and added even more to the work.

There's something about books like this that get me to be introspective, for obvious reasons. I love how heartwarming, bittersweet, joyful, and sentimental the entire story is. Also, it was great and surprising to see how the stories each connected. By the end it hits you hard.

I hope there will be more books from this world. I'd love to learn more about Mr. Hirasaka and the people who come through his magical photo studio. The Lantern of Lost Memories is perfect for magical realism lovers. This is getting compared to the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, so now I know I have to read those books too. I highly recommend picking this book up.

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 95: The Ghostkeeper

By Johanna Taylor

Read September 16th

Pages: 272

Release Year: 2024

 The Ghostkeeper focuses on a young medium, Dorian, who has been able to see ghosts since he was a child, when he had a traumatic near death experience. He basically is a ghost therapist who takes the time to listen to each ghost he comes across and helps them get over their emotional turmoil so they can pass on. When the ghosts’ way of getting to the afterlife is threatened, Dorian wants to do everything he can to try and help fix the problem.

This was one of the most hard-hitting graphic novels I have ever read. It has many heavy topics such as dealing with grief, burnout, and the importance of keeping boundaries with others. Dorian believes that he has to do everything he can to help the ghosts, even overworking himself to exhaustion, because he is the only one who can usually see them. His past also causes him to act this way, but I won’t spoil any of that.

I was surprised by the emotional depth of this graphic novel. Going in, I knew I was going to love this story, but I didn’t realize how much it was going to hit me. I adored watching Dorian’s development and growth. He was a great character who has such pure intentions, which ultimately causes him to always take everyone else’s needs before his own. I’m glad he had someone like Brody in his life to help with his growth. They had such a beautiful relationship which I adored with all my heart.

Also, this is one of the most beautifully illustrated graphic novels I have ever read. Johanna’s style is stunning to look at and added in the creepy gothic aesthetic when it is needed for the story. I will definitely be getting this book for my collection.

I hope we get more from this world someday. I’d love to see more of Dorian and Brody’s story.

Book 96: The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain

By Lloyd Alexander

Read September 18th

Pages: 122

Release Year: 1973


I love The Chronicles of Prydain. This is a great little collection of short stories which all take place before the events of the main series. I liked learning more about many of the characters from Prydain. My favorites are  about Dallben and Angharad.
Book 97: Scarlet Witch, Vol. 1: Witches' Road

By James Robinson, Vanesa Del Rey (Illustrator)

Read September 19th-20th

Pages: 112

Release Year: 2016


I decided to check this out because I wanted to see Wanda and Agatha in the Marvel comics. The best part was the relationship between Agatha and Wanda. I liked seeing their interactions. It also is about the Witches’ Road, which I wanted to see before watching it in Agatha All Along. I didn’t enjoy this as much as I wanted to.
Book 98: Hotel Dare

By Terry Blas, Claudia Aguirre (Illustrator)

Read September 22nd

Pages: 144

Release Year: 2019

The family/found family elements are the best parts of this book. It focuses on how family goes so much beyond blood relationships and the bond that can be made between your friends. I love the idea of the hotel having portals to all kinds of different worlds. There was a balance between both fantasy and science fiction worlds. Love the space pirates.

The grandmother’s story was one of the most interesting aspects of the entire graphic novel. I like that we learned about it throughout the entire story. This made me think of a bit of Coco with the familial elements.

A beautiful graphic novel with so many elements I love in stories. Found family, portals, magical users, space pirates, and so much more. I highly recommend this book. Claudia Aguirre does a wonderful job bringing Terry Blas’s story to life in her stunning illustrations. Hopefully, they will return to this world someday. I know I would pick up another volume to see what happens next.

Book 99: Anzue and the Realm of Darkness

By Mai K. Nguyen

Read September 23rd

Pages: 256

Release Year: 2024


This has been a great year for graphic novel releases. Anzu and the Realm of Darkness is a middle grade story focusing on a young girl named Anzu, who has just moved to a new town during Obon. Obon is a time for families to celebrate their ancestors. She follows a dog down the street while trying to avoid the festivities with her family and accidentally stumbles into Yomi, the underworld. There she finds out the dog is the Gatekeeper of Yomi and he sets out to get her home.

Anzu goes on both a physical and emotional journey while traveling through Yomi. Her story focuses on cultural identity, having faith in yourself, and how the choices you make impact your life. I love how it was not only Anzu who had to learn during their trek through Yomi, but also the Gatekeeper.

I particularly loved the lessons Anzu learned from her grandmother throughout the entire story. Like Anzu, I have had a hard time when I lost my grammy. What I wouldn’t give to be able to talk to her again one more time.

The messages were beautiful along with the stunning illustrations. I loved learning about Japanese culture and religion. This made me want to read more about Japanese mythology. Definitely, a new favorite that I will be picking up for my collection. 

Book 100: Wrath of the Triple Goddess
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 7

By Rick Riordan

Read September 28th-29th

Pages: 343

Release Year: 2024


 It is always an absolute joy reading a Percy Jackson book. Rick’s humor is some of my favorite, especially in Percy’s voice. He’s hilarious. I love getting to see Percy, Annabeth, and Grover working on quests again. Their friendship/relationship has always been the best aspects from the Camp Half-Blood stories. There are so many references to the other books, many of those being from The Sea of Monsters. Makes me want to reread them.
Wrath of the Triple Goddess is the perfect book to read around Halloween with the goddess Hecate being such a major focus. I liked learning more about her in this story and the other witches. Witches will always be one of my favorite types of characters to read about. Such an entertaining read and a great time. Looking forward to seeing Percy’s next quest.

Friday, September 27, 2024

In Memory of Dame Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith (December 28th, 1934- September 27th, 2024) 

I grew up loving so many great movies with Maggie Smith. One of her most famous roles was in the Harry Potter movies as Professor McGonagall. She was an incredible Minerva and was perfect casting. My favorite of her scenes was in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, when she says “I always wanted to do that spell,” to Molly. I love the little moment of levity.

My first introduction to her was in the Sister Act movies. She was the head nun and I absolutely loved her. Then, I met her again in Hook and The Secret Garden (1993), which are two of my favorite movies. Overall, I have seen her in about twenty movies and loved her in every one. She was an extremely talented actress, who will be greatly missed. 

Rest in Peace Maggie

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Agatha All Along: Episode 3 Spoiler Review 🌕

   “Through Many Miles / Of Tricks and Trials”

Another great episode, which has me so intrigued to see what will happen next with our coven. I love how we might have gotten answers here but most likely it is just leading to more of them. The crew behind this show are very good at creating a mystery for their viewers. I cannot wait to learn more as the story progresses. The rest of this review will have spoilers. I will be discussing all my thoughts and opinions on the episode. 

Eerie Setting 

~ Up until this point, the episodes have been very humorous. Episode 3 definitely added in an eerie factor. The Salem Seven were creepy at the end of episode 2 but this had an eerie feeling throughout the whole episode. It was interesting to have such an unassuming house for the first trial and then for it get worse as the episode continued. 

~ I particularly loved how each of the witches’s greatest fears were visually shown to us. We don’t know what is going on completely with any of them. Could they be visions of the past or could the task be paying on fears they all have? Or a bit of both.

Their Greatest Fears

~ This episode gave us even more to think about each of the witches and Teen. It revealed quite a bit about each of them. On their way to the first house, Lilia is the one to say that they will come across their greatest fears on the road. Jenn then sees a beach house in the distance. When they get to the first house, it seems to be nice and peaceful until they drink from the wine. I like how each witch is going to have to use their powers to escape from the trials. 

~ The first house was meant for Jenn, the potion witch. Though, I like how they each had to help find ingredients for the potion. They all had a hand in getting themselves out of the house. It was interesting to see them have to work together to get over their fears so that they could get the household items. Also, I love how all of the gross items are actually just common household items such as honey. Hilarious! 

Poor Sharon

~ It was interesting and terrible that the show writers chose to have Sharon drink the wine first, so the witches are able to see the effects before they occurred to them. (Poor Sharon. I’m hoping she’s not actually gone). We can guess what Sharon’s worst fear is from what she says. It was probably when Wanda is making Mr. Hart choke at the dinner from the first episode of WandaVision. This scene made that original scene even more terrible. 

Jenn and the Doctor

~ I like that it took Agatha helping Jenn to get her to have confidence in her abilities after Jenn saw her greatest fear. Multiple times throughout the episode, Agatha takes on aspects of the leader of a coven. She is her sarcastic self most of the time but there are glimpses of her caring for the others. 

~ Jenn sees a doctor who tries to drown her in the sink in her hallucination. I’m assuming he’s the one she talks about later to Agatha, who stole her powers. What the doctor does to her reminds me of the “therapies” they used to do to women in the early 1900s to help with what men called, hysteria. I wonder if that is what happened to her. Or at least something similar. It is just too reminiscent. Also, it goes along with one of the ways they tried to prove if a woman was a witch in the past.

Alice’s Mom

~ We knew that Alice did not know what happened to her mother and wanted to see if she could find out on the Witch’s Road. I’m wondering if what Alice saw was from the past or if this is what she believed happened to her mother. This is just one piece of the puzzle, I’m sure we will get by the end of the road. I look forward to seeing Alice’s task on the road. 

Lilia’s Past

 ~ Since we met her at the beginning of Episode 2, Lilia has been having spontaneous visions. I wonder if this is something new that has been happening to her or if it is how she has always gotten her prophetic messages. She seems to be the other oldest witch in the coven at the moment other than Agatha. Makes me wonder what she could have gone through over all those years with such visions. She has given hints when she talked to Agatha and Teen in the second episode, but I’m sure there is much worse. 

~ Lilia’s greatest nightmare is the one that interested me the most, besides Agatha’s. It was also the creepiest of them all. When Agatha and Lilia are trying to find their ingredients for the potion, Lilia sees the ghost of a young girl who asks her “Do you want to see?” The credits show that she was a young Lilia. Lilia follows her younger self, through what looks like an old house. As they continue on, they come across an old rotting woman (Lilia’s teacher), who has the personification of Death appear behind her. Then when Lilia gets out of the room, she comes across Agatha, who she tells in Italian “She’s dead… They’re all dead.”

~ Her prophetic messages from both episodes could all be warnings to herself. And her greatest nightmare could be the fact that she didn't listen to a piece of one of her prophecies and the people she cared for died because of it. It seems like she is reliving these scenes from her past. 

Agatha and the Cradle

~ Before watching yesterday’s episode, I told my mother that I hope the show doesn’t make it like Agatha hasn’t done villainous acts. I’m okay with her growing but I don’t want it to be like she was innocent the entire time. She has done terrible things over the years as a witch and that should not be just forgiven and forgotten. I love a great villain and she is one of my favorites. She has moments where she is trying to help others, like when she was helping Jen with her confidence and when she chooses to drink the wine instead of Teen. Most of these times seems to be when she is forced to so they can continue down the road or not die. But then she has her selfish moments when she at first tries to get out of being poisoned by the wine or when she kicks everyone at the end of the episode. She’s complicated. 

~ After seeing this episode, I look forward to seeing what else they show of her character. There is a lot of depth below the surface. Agatha drinking the wine last plays into her seeing her own worst nightmare in front of everyone. Kathryn Hahn is an amazing actress. Her switch to hide how she is feeling from the other witches was incredible. She is someone so used to hiding her feelings behind sarcasm and it’s obviously hard for her to show any vulnerability in front of anybody. Even though I do hope she stays villainous, I want to see her able to trust someone by the end of the show. I think the point of the Witch’s Road for her will be for her to learn that she has to be able to work with people. 

~ Oh my goodness, Agatha's greatest nightmare was so damn sad. I'm wondering if Agatha actually sacrificed her son like Jenn said the rumor is, or if someone else did. Maybe Rio. That would definitely explain why Agatha hates her as much as she does. It could also be the guilt of doing such a terrible thing to her own son or Agatha maybe didn’t even know what kind of deal she was making. What she sees in the vision might be just how it happened. Her son was crying, she went to check on him, and found the Darkhold instead. 

Teen’s Identity

~ Teen’s reaction to the sigil seems telling. I believe he knows what is going on and is trying to act like he doesn’t. He probably is trying to hide who he is from the witches. But the question is, why? The show is obviously leading us to believe there is some sort of connection between himself and Agatha. Like, he could maybe somehow be her son. All I know is, that he is acting quite suspicious.  

~ Also, I think Agatha might have some idea of what is going on with him. Or at least she doesn’t want anyone else to figure it out for themselves. 

Episode 3 Final Thoughts

First, I would like to say that I hope Sharon is not actually dead. She was such a great character and she did not deserve such a fate just because Agatha is selfish. Though, them killing off the most innocent character on the road could be to show how terrible their journey is going to be. Also, the consequences if they don’t work together and unselfishly. 

~ I’m hoping the show continues the way it is because I’m loving it very much. It is entertaining and has me theorizing a lot. Cannot wait for Episode 4 next week. I look forward to seeing what will happen next in their journey down the road. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Favorites of Summer 2024

  ☀️ My Favorites of Summer 2024 🌻

Below, I have listed some of my favorite music, YouTube videos, and TV that I have watched or listened to this summer. This has been a great season for some amazing entertainment. I also wanted to share the stories I loved on A03 from this season. 

🎵 Music:

This year has been great for new music. Here are some of the best that I loved in Summer 2024. My absolute favorites have an asterisk  (*) by them. 

1. The Tortured Poets Department*

    🎶 I wanted to mention this album again because it has been a countless favorite ever since it came out. It's funny how much each song resonates with me now. There were many songs I didn't enjoy the first several times listening to them but now I enjoy almost every one of them. I love working and listening to this album in the background. It is just so damn beautiful. Taylor has created something special with this one. I mean look at how long it has stayed number one.

2. “People Don’t Talk About” by the Reklaws*- 

    🎼 I first heard this song when the Reklaws performed it on AGT and it had me tearing up. It is one of the best songs I have heard in quite a long time. Now, I’m going to listen to all of their music. Incredible.  

3. Sabrina Carpenter’s cover of “Good Luck Babe”*- 

    🎧 I fell in love with Chappell Roan’s music earlier this year with “Good Luck Babe.” It is such a hit and Sabrina does an incredible job covering it here. I love this just as much as the original. Sabrina puts her own flare on the song and it stands out. Fabulous job. Definitely will be listening to it again and again. 

4. Teddy Swim’s cover of “Cruel Summer”- 

    🎵 Oh my goodness, this version is stunning. “Cruel Summer” is one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs and this is beautiful. Teddy Swim has a great voice. 

5. F-1 Trillion*

    🎶 Post Malone was meant to sing country music. I love this album so damn much. My favorites are “I Had Some Help (feat. Morgan Wallen),” “Nosedive (feat. Lainey Wilson),” “Guy for That (feat. Luke Combs),” “Devil I’ve Been (feat. Ernest),” “M-E-X-I-C-O (feat. Billy Strings),” and “Yours.”  

6. Short n’ Sweet

    🎼 I’ve loved some of Sabrina’s music for years but I have never listened to it consistently. This album is her best. My favorite songs are “Taste*,” “Coincidence,” “Espresso* (It’s the hit of the year for a reason. Damn, it’s such a bop.),” “Please, Please, Please,” and “Juno.” Sabrina’s voice is beautiful. I hope the rumors are true that there is a deluxe version of this album out there because I would love to listen to more music. My favorite thing about Sabrina is her humor. There are so many lyrics in these songs that make me laugh so hard. 

7. “The Ballad of the Witches’ Road” from Agatha All Along

    🎧 I love that we got such a great song for Agatha All Along. This is on my Halloween playlist and I cannot wait to listen to it with the rest. I’m hoping we get other great songs for the show. 

8. “Mockingbird” by Rob Thomas*- 

    🎵  This is a song I used to listen to a lot during college. I have always loved Rob Thomas/Matchbox 20’s music and this was one of my absolute favorites. During this summer I put on a playlist on Spotify and this started to play. It was the first time I had heard it in a long time. I immediately put it in my Summer 2024 playlist. Such a great one!

9. “Ego” by Halsey- 

    🎶 Heard “Ego” for the first time with Halsey’s performance from the VMAs. Another great one. 

10. “Shattered (Turn the Car Around)” by O. A. R.- 

    🎼I used to listen to this song a lot in high school. Another recommendation from a Spotify playlist. Spotify is so great at recommending me songs. They know I have a type. 

📺 TV Shows:

1. Ghosts*

~Finally, finished Season 1-3 of Ghosts. I adore this show so darn much. It was great learning even more about each of the ghosts as the show continued. There are so many clever ideas in this show with the ghosts. My favorite is dealing with imaginary friends. Such a great idea. These writers are clever and I cannot wait to see what they do in season 4. 
~My favorite characters are Issac, Thorfinn, Alberta, and Hetty. 
~October 17th cannot come soon enough. 
~Also, the song “Tubthumping” playing in Hell joke is brilliantly hilarious. This show is my brand of humor. 

2. Agatha All Along (Episodes 1-2)*

~ I have a post on here already discussing my love for these episodes. Agatha All Along is a great continuation of the story started in WandaVision. It is the witchy show I have wanted for a long time and I love it so far with all my heart. Cannot wait to see Episode 3 on Wednesday, September 25th. 

🖥️ YouTube:

1. BooksandLala

~ Reading YOUR 5 ⭐️ Predictions For Me 🤯 (books I’ve never heard of)- Many of these books sound quite interesting. I want to make my own Bingo board like she did and find books to fill in with my favorite things in books. 

~ completing my reading goals in a week ✨- Makes me want to read Dune 

~ Reading Haunted House Books for a Week 👻🏚- Gosh, I love Kayla’s videos so much! Great video idea. 

~ Reading the 10 Best Books fo the 21st Century (so far) via @nytimes- I’m always interested in looking at lists like this and seeing how much I have read off on them. 

~ this reading vlog ends when I find a 5⭐️ from 2002- Got to watch this video when it first premiered on September 8th. Great series. I also was obsessed with the Olsen twins in the early 2000s. 

~ My Fall Video & Reading Plans + TBR Jar Picks 🍂🎃- I’m glad Kayla’s going to read the Dale Mayer book because I love watching her try to figure out the mysteries with Rob. Those videos are always so funny.

2. Charlie Hopkinson

~ Qui Gon reacts to Ki Adi Mundi being a liar-.  Charlie is comedic gold!

“It’s why his head is so long, to hold all those lies.” 😂

~ Qui Gon loves the Acolyte now- Charlie is so funny. 

~ Acolyte Episode 7 confuses Qui Gon

~ Anakin reacts to Darth Plaguies the Shy- I love them trying to prove that Ki Adi Mundi is guilty. Hilarious!

“So when you put your fog lights on, you could be murdering fog people?”

“It’s a possibility, yes.” 😂

Other Favorites

1. Vacation in New Jersey

    🏖 For the last three years, we have been going down to visit our family in New Jersey. We always have such a great time and this year might have been the best time yet. I love getting to spend so much time with the family. It was even better this year because my brother and his girlfriend came with us.

    🏝 Loved going to Seaside Heights, Dudley Park/Cedar Creek, Toms River, Bayville, and so many other places. I’m thankful for times like these and I cannot wait for many more to come. 

2. My favorite stories on A03

    🖋 I really want to gush so much about all of the stories on this list. There are so many that I would love to reread again and again. Damn, these writers are so great. 

~ Some Unholy Hoax by ArgylePirateWD*- I love this story so much. I don’t know if we’ll get a GO Season 3 after the stuff happening with Neil Gaiman (he’s terrible). Guess if that happens I’ll just have to accept one of these fanfictions as the ending. This is definitely a great one. It is very long (over 200,000 words) and also explicit. 

~Oh, Lord, Heal This Love by WaitingToBeBroken*- This was absolutely hilarious. Love this series of Meet Cutes so much! 

~ The Accidental Understudy by AppleSeeds*- A sweet story that I highly enjoyed. AppleSeeds stories are always wonderful. I will always love a feel good story that is supposed to just make you happy. 

~ Mr. Fell’s Heavenly Bed and Breakfast by INeedABurnerAccountOkay- Another great story. I love WriterCrowley stories. 

~ The Tadfield Holiday beerok23*- Here, I am again reading a Christmas story in the summertime. There's something about reading them that just brightens my mood. And I really needed some happiness this August. 

This story was perfect in every way and now makes me want to watch The Holiday. I don't know how I never watched it before. I loved the dynamic between Crowley and Aziraphale, especially Aziraphale's sarcastic attitude. He was so funny. Also, the references were wonderful. 

I laughed, cried, and smiled so damn much with this story. It was beautiful and everything I needed. Definitely, will be rereading this at Christmastime. 

~ I Know What He Smells Like by Sodium_Azide- Oh my goodness, this is so cute! 

“ ‘Sir, with all due respect, you’re legally blind and I have no idea how you identified him in the first place, if you did in fact just find him passed out in the hallway like you described.’

‘…I know how he smells. I know his footsteps. I know the feel of his shoulder under my hand. I know how he snuffles when he’s trying not to laugh, and how he holds his breath when he hurts at the end of a long day at work.’ ”- Damn, this is beyond adorable. I really love so many lines in this story. 

~ Passive- Aggressive Bouquets by susieboo- Absolutely, hilarious! I love Flower Language stories so much and want to someday write my own. 

~ The Rat Man by AppleSeeds- I love AppleSeeds’s stories so much. They are always so sweet and funny. 

~ AziraCrow AU- Home Is Where The Heart Is by CirusTheDivider- Such a sad story. 

~ The Ritual by AppleSeeds