Monday, February 20, 2023

Review Week 7

Reviews Week 7

February 13th-19th

Book 32: The Bear and the Nightingale

By Katherine Arden

Read February 1st-15th

Pages Read: 321

 Katherine Arden created a beautiful atmosphere in this story that draws you in from the beginning until the end. I adored following along with Vasilisa and her family. It was great to see her grow up from the story's start and see how true she stays to herself and her beliefs. The Russian folklore stories and characters throughout this tale were wonderful. This has made me even more interested in learning more about those tales than before. Arden’s writing is mesmerizing, and I could not get enough of it. I will definitely be picking up the rest of the trilogy and looking into other books by her.

Book 33: A Blink of the Screen: 

Collected Shorter Fiction

By Terry Pratchett

Read February 16th

Pages Read: 286

 It will always be an absolute joy returning to the Discworld, whether that be through Terry's novels or his short stories. A Blink of the Screen has many of Terry's short stories throughout his life. The first is even originally from when he was in high school. Most of this book is his shorter stories, but there were a couple of poems throughout the volume. I have read some of these stories in other volumes of his stories, but most were new to me. I enjoyed seeing the Non-Discworld writings and loved returning to the Discworld again.

My favorites from the volume include the following:
Non-Discworld Writings-
~"The Hades Business" from 1963- This is the one that was initially from when he was in high school.
~"The Prince and the Partridge" from 1968 is one of the stories I have read in another volume. I love the story in this one.
~"Turntables of the Night" from 1989- I love this story's different version of Death.
~"Once and Future" from 1995- I will always be a sucker for King Arthur stories. This story is my favorite of the stories from this volume. It is a great take on the original tale, all from Mervin’s perspective. I wish he would have gotten the chance to write a longer piece from this like he said he wanted to.
~"FTB" from 1996- A predecessor to Hogfather that was a lot of fun.

Discworld Writings-
~"Theatre of Cruelty" from 1993-A story focuses on the City Watch. I will always love having more time with Vimes and Carrot. This definitely takes place after Guards, Guards when Carrot first joined the watch. It is a take on the Mr. Punch story.
~"The Sea and Little Fishes" from 1998- Another of the stories I have read before. I love any of the witch stories, and seeing Granny's antics in this story made me laugh out loud.
~"The Ankh-Morpork National Anthem" from 1999- What a fun piece.

Overall, I had such an enjoyable time with this volume of stories from Terry. I highly recommend this piece to fans of Terry, the Discworld, and shorter works of fantasy. It was so enjoyable and just a lot of fun.

Book 34: Here There Be Gerblins 

(The Adventure Zone Volume 1)

By Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, 

Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch

Read February 17th

Pages Read: 256

February 17th, 2023 review:
I had such a fun time this time around rereading this book and the rest of the series. Cannot wait for Volume 5.

May 6th, 2020 review:
So funny, love the pop culture references throughout, especially the music. This was a fun little adventure. 

Book 35: Murder on the Rockport Limited!

(The Adventure Zone Volume 2)

By Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, 

Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch

Read February 18th

Pages Read: 219

 February 18th, 2023 review:
I had such a fun time this time around rereading this book and the rest of the series. Cannot wait for Volume 5. I definitely, have to check out the podcast sometime.

May 7th, 2020 review:
Loved this mystery and was not expecting some of the plot. These graphic novels are very enjoyable and make me really want to listen to the podcast. I can't wait to see where the next one takes our adventurers.

Book 36: Petals to the Metal

(The Adventure Zone Volume 3)

By Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, 

Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch

Read February 19th

Pages Read: 272

 February 19th, 2023 review:
I had such a fun time this time around rereading this book and the rest of the series. Cannot wait for Volume 5. Really, enjoyed the romance again in this one. It was so adorable.

July 15th, 2020 review:
Love the humor, the pop culture references (especially "Grease Lightning"), and the little recap of the last book at the beginning. These graphic novels are definitely some of the funniest. I also really loved the little bit of romance in this one.

Book 37: The Crystal Kingdom

(The Adventure Zone Volume 4)

By Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, 

Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch

Read February 19th

Pages Read: 272

 February 19th, 2023 review:
I had such a fun time this time around rereading this book and the rest of the series. Cannot wait for Volume 5. Not too long now!

July 14th, 2021 review:
This series keeps getting better and better. I love the pop culture references, humor, and storylines. These books are just so entertaining and fun. Can't wait for it to continue on.

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