Monday, May 1, 2023

Review Weeks 16 & 17

Reviews Week 16-17

April 17th-30th

Book 65: Enter the Body

By Joy McCullough

Read April 16th-23rd

Pages Read: 336

 Enter the Body was an interesting take on many of Shakespeare’s plays and heroines. I really enjoyed the way Joy used verse and also dialogue between Juliet, Cordelia, Ophelia, and Lavinia. Though, I do wish that Lavinia would have been given some way to voice her opinions, I think that it was powerful to see her silencing throughout the entire book. Speaks volumes. 

One of my favorite aspects of this book was the fact that we got the original versions of the plays told in the words of each of the characters. Then, in the second half we got the versions that the girls wish they would have gotten. This was a beautiful book with deeply heavy messages that hit hard. 

Book 66: The Wonderland Trials

By Sara Ella

Read April 28th-30th

Pages Read: 368


Great twisting of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and I loved seeing Sara Ella’s take on the characters from the original story. I will always be a sucker for a great retelling and I love seeing the way an author will take elements from the original and use them in their own stories. I believe that Sara does a great job of this. 

 My favorite part of this book is the relationships, especially between Alice and her sister Charlotte. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the sequel and where the trials go from here. 

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