Sunday, January 1, 2023

Reviews Week 52

 Reviews Week 52

December 26th-31st

Book 185: The Gift of Believing 

By Abrianna Denae

Read December 26th


The Gift had a sweet story that I felt was just too short. We did not get enough time with characters at all, and they were not fleshed out enough. They each could have had so much more time within the books so the reader could get to know them better. 

Also, the story felt too rushed. It made the romance not believable in the slightest and had me wanting more. I did enjoy both of the characters, but I wanted more from them both. 

Book 186: The List

By BL Maxwell

Read December 26th


I enjoyed Tommy and Zane's story throughout this book, and I would definitely be interested in picking up other books from BL Maxwell. It had a story that drew me in from the beginning and made me want to know what was going to happen next. I loved Tommy's character and how much he cared for everyone around him. He was such a sweetheart. I will say that the romance felt a little rushed, but overall, I enjoyed it. 

Book 187: Can I have a Cookie? 

By Bill Keane

Read December 30th


These books are so cute. I used to read the comics in the newspaper all the time when I was a kid and I loved finding these editions.

Book 188: Jeffy's Lookin at Me

By Bill Keane

Read December 30th


These books are so cute. I used to read the comics in the newspaper all the time when I was a kid and I loved finding these editions.

Book 189: I Need a Hug

By Bill Keane

Read December 30th


These books are so cute. I used to read the comics in the newspaper all the time when I was a kid and I loved finding these editions.

Book 190: Harry Potter: A Magical Year

By J. K. Rowling

Read January 1st- December 31st


I loved revisiting all of these wonderful quotes throughout this entire year, along with Jim Kay's beautiful illustrations. Harry Potter will always be one of my favorite series, and I'm glad there is a book like this that gives readers a taste of this world. I'm do for a reread of the series, which I'm hoping to do sometime next year. This book is perfect for any fan of the series, and I highly recommend it. 

Book 191: The Squire's Tale

By Gerald Morris

Read December 29th-31st


A great start to a series that I plan on continuing with as soon as I can. I mostly enjoyed how Gerald took this tale, and I'm interested to see how Terrance grows throughout the series along with Gawain. King Arthur stories have always been some of my favorites, and this was a great one. The addition of the fae was another great aspect of the story, and I enjoyed seeing how they came into the plot.

I only wish that I had found this series when I was in middle school. It would have been a favorite for me; I'm sure of that.

Book 192: The Unadulterated Cat

By Terry Pratchett

Read December 31st


A great book for the cat lovers out there, and I'm glad that it was my last book of 2022. Terry Pratchett's humor was almost always spot-on for me. As a cat lover myself, I got a lot of humor from this wonderful little book. I read the version that had Rhianna Pratchett's introduction and Maurice on the cover. It was a lot of fun.

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