Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Get to Know the Fantasy Reader Tag!

Original Tag- The Book Pusher

1. What is your fantasy origin story? (How you came to read your first fantasy novel) 

   ๐Ÿฒ I grew up reading the Harry Potter series and The Chronicles of Narnia series. Also, Disney's Wonderful World of Knowledge Volume 10: Myths and Legends was a favorite book of mine that got me to fall in love with Greek Mythology and King Arthur. I became obsessed with anything dealing with those topics and still am to this day. I also have always loved the Disney movies, many of which are based on famous fantasy stories. This began my love of fairy tales which eventually became a love for fairy tale retellings. 

2. If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ If he were still alive, I'd love to be in a fantasy novel written by Terry Pratchett. 

   ๐Ÿง™‍♀️ Trope- For the trope, I would love to have a quest fantasy. 

3. What is a fantasy novel you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read?

   ๐Ÿ—ก️ Any of the books from the Discworld series that I have read this year and the ones from the years before. 

4. What is your favorite fantasy subgenre? What subgenre have you not read much from?

   ๐Ÿงš Favorite subgenre of fantasy- Fairy tale retelling and Epic Fantasy 

   ๐Ÿงš‍♀️ Subgenre haven’t read much of- Grimdark

5. Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?

   ๐Ÿงน Chris Colfer, Neil Gaiman, Madeline Miller, Margaret Rogerson, Natalie Haynes, and Rick Riordan.  

6. How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram..) 

   ๐Ÿฒ Goodreads, The Library of Allenxandria, and Merphy Napier 

7. What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ Middle- Grade Fantasy Release- Wolfish by Christiane M. Andrews

   ๐Ÿง™‍♀️ Young Adult Fantasy Release- At Midnight edited by Dahlia Adler

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ Adult Fantasy Release- Stone Blind: Medusa’s Story by Natalie Haynes 

8. What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?

   ๐Ÿ—ก️ That it is not great literature. I cannot tell you how often I have heard English majors say that fantasy was not proper literature. It's just ridiculous. First of all, let people read what they like. Second of all, I don't think these people have read great fantasy stories. There are so many amazing examples that just stand out even above some of the classics that they talk about all the time. I just think that you should let people read what they would like to, and it should not bother you what they enjoy. Just because some don't, it does not mean that it is not great literature. 

9. If someone had never read fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

   ๐Ÿงš Younger Readers- I decided to pick three novels that start some of my favorite middle-grade series. Each would be a great book for readers wanting to read fantasy for the first time and are some of the best middle-grade books I have read. 

            The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer- The first book of my favorite series. 

            The Wizards of Once by Cressida Crowell

            The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

   ๐Ÿงš‍♀️ Older Readers- Here are some of the best fantasy books that I have ever read that I would recommend highly. I put Wyrd Sisters for the Discworld series because it is one of the best of the series. Truthfully, I would recommend most of the books in the Discworld series. 

            Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett 

            Stardust by Neil Gaiman

            Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones- My favorite book of all time. 

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