Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Get to Know the Fantasy Reader Tag!

Original Tag- The Book Pusher

1. What is your fantasy origin story? (How you came to read your first fantasy novel) 

   ๐Ÿฒ I grew up reading the Harry Potter series and The Chronicles of Narnia series. Also, Disney's Wonderful World of Knowledge Volume 10: Myths and Legends was a favorite book of mine that got me to fall in love with Greek Mythology and King Arthur. I became obsessed with anything dealing with those topics and still am to this day. I also have always loved the Disney movies, many of which are based on famous fantasy stories. This began my love of fairy tales which eventually became a love for fairy tale retellings. 

2. If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ If he were still alive, I'd love to be in a fantasy novel written by Terry Pratchett. 

   ๐Ÿง™‍♀️ Trope- For the trope, I would love to have a quest fantasy. 

3. What is a fantasy novel you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read?

   ๐Ÿ—ก️ Any of the books from the Discworld series that I have read this year and the ones from the years before. 

4. What is your favorite fantasy subgenre? What subgenre have you not read much from?

   ๐Ÿงš Favorite subgenre of fantasy- Fairy tale retelling and Epic Fantasy 

   ๐Ÿงš‍♀️ Subgenre haven’t read much of- Grimdark

5. Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?

   ๐Ÿงน Chris Colfer, Neil Gaiman, Madeline Miller, Margaret Rogerson, Natalie Haynes, and Rick Riordan.  

6. How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram..) 

   ๐Ÿฒ Goodreads, The Library of Allenxandria, and Merphy Napier 

7. What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ Middle- Grade Fantasy Release- Wolfish by Christiane M. Andrews

   ๐Ÿง™‍♀️ Young Adult Fantasy Release- At Midnight edited by Dahlia Adler

   ๐Ÿง™‍♂️ Adult Fantasy Release- Stone Blind: Medusa’s Story by Natalie Haynes 

8. What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?

   ๐Ÿ—ก️ That it is not great literature. I cannot tell you how often I have heard English majors say that fantasy was not proper literature. It's just ridiculous. First of all, let people read what they like. Second of all, I don't think these people have read great fantasy stories. There are so many amazing examples that just stand out even above some of the classics that they talk about all the time. I just think that you should let people read what they would like to, and it should not bother you what they enjoy. Just because some don't, it does not mean that it is not great literature. 

9. If someone had never read fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

   ๐Ÿงš Younger Readers- I decided to pick three novels that start some of my favorite middle-grade series. Each would be a great book for readers wanting to read fantasy for the first time and are some of the best middle-grade books I have read. 

            The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer- The first book of my favorite series. 

            The Wizards of Once by Cressida Crowell

            The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

   ๐Ÿงš‍♀️ Older Readers- Here are some of the best fantasy books that I have ever read that I would recommend highly. I put Wyrd Sisters for the Discworld series because it is one of the best of the series. Truthfully, I would recommend most of the books in the Discworld series. 

            Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett 

            Stardust by Neil Gaiman

            Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones- My favorite book of all time. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Review Week 33

 Reviews Week 33

August 15th- 21st

Book 109: Wintersmith

By Terry Pratchett 

Read on August 15th


I love the Nac Mac Feegles and following Tiffany as she's learning from such powerful witches. It was great how much of Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg we got in this book. I've wanted interactions with Tiffany and Nanny, and I'm glad to say they were everything I wanted from them. I can't wait to see where the next book in the Tiffany subseries goes.

Stories with the seasons personified have always been my favorites, and I liked those elements throughout this book, especially with the Wintersmith himself. Terry delving into more of the myths of the Discworld was another great part of this book that I had a lot of fun with. Also, I really enjoyed the parts with the elderly witch Miss Treason. She was such an entertaining addition to the story, and I loved her scenes with Tiffany.

The Nac Mac Feegle's journey into the underworld was absolutely hysterical. I love the scenes with the ferryman and how upset they make him. Also, their nickname for Granny Weatherwax: The Hag O' Hags is just great.

Overall, this was another enjoyable addition to the series that I loved.

Book 110: Wind Daughter

By Joanna Ruth Meyer

Read on August 14th-18th


*Spoilers for the first book if you have not read that. I recommend doing so before you read this book.*

I really enjoyed this companion to Echo North. Seeing more of Echo, Hal, Peter, and Inna and getting more of Satu and her family was great. I will say that Satu's voice sounds more immature than a young adult's, which detracted from a good portion of the book for me. She never felt that she could have been around the same age as Echo during her journey, even though she is said to be.

Joanna does an incredible job weaving the story together, and I enjoyed how she took this story. Especially with the Winter Lord and Satu's connection. It was intriguing to learn more about him throughout the book. This book's last one hundred pages are my favorite and made the book for me. Also, Echo and Hal's part in this book made me so happy. I'm glad that they got a happy ending.

Book 111: Somewhere Out There

By Don Bluth

Read on August 18th-20th


Just like the Disney Animated movies, my childhood was also marked by the animated movies made by Don Bluth, such as An American Tale, Anastasia, The Land Before Time, Thumbelina, The Secret of Nimh, and All Dogs Go to Heaven. I also really love the game Dragon's Lair, which I have a version of on my Nintendo Switch. Those movies meant so much to me, so I was very excited when I saw the ARC of Somewhere Out There on NetGalley. Then, I found the audiobook on Audible and decided to listen to it while reading my ARC copy. I'm glad that I did. 

It was absolutely wonderful hearing about Don Bluth's life and career in his own words. He did an incredible job reading the book, and I loved the personality that he gave it. There were times that he would laugh at his decisions or about what he was saying, which made it feel so genuine. Don made it feel like he was just sitting down and telling you a story about his life like he was an old friend.  The illustrations in the book were another great addition to his story. I love the one at the very end of the book. It's wonderful!

This book is not only for the fans of Don Bluth or animation but also for creators themselves. It tells of Don's dream and how he works to become an animator. I enjoyed this journey and seeing the elements of his life that went into his movies. His love for the early movies from Disney animation, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, greatly impacted his later life and dreams. I loved seeing how Walt was one of his heroes since he was a child and getting to see when he started to work for the Disney company. 

Also, every time I read the cover; I think of the song ''Somewhere Out There'' from An American Tale. That song will always be a favorite of mine. 

I am so glad that I picked up a copy of this book, and I will definitely be buying a physical copy for my collection. 

*Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC of the ebook all opinions are my own. *

Book 112: Castle Waiting Vol 2

By Linda Medley

Read on August 21st-22nd


I really enjoyed this second collection of comics about the residents and visitors of the Castle. This found family is one of my favorites, and I loved the little adventures they went on throughout the book. The secret passageways, the bowling tournament, the ghost, and moving rooms. It was a lot of fun reading this, and I wish that it could continue on. I don’t know if that will ever happen, but if it does, I know I will buy the third volume. I want to see if I can get this and the first one.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Reviews Week 32

Reviews Week 32

August 8th-14th

Book 102: The Gingerbread Witch

By Alexandra Overy  

Read on August 7th-8th


What an interesting take on witches from fairy tales and fantasy in general. There are references to Little Red Riding Hood and also Hansel and Gretel. It was enjoyable to see the part they had to play within the story, which was different from any take I have seen of them. I have always been a big fan of retellings of stories, and I love where this one took this tale of the witch from Hansel and Gretel.

In The Gingerbread Witch, we follow the character of Maud, one of Agatha's gingerbread creations. She, along with Agatha's other gingerbread creations, go off on an adventure to try and save Agatha after she is pushed into her oven. Maud and her friends go into the Shadowlands in hopes of finding some way of bringing Agatha back. Along the way, she meets and befriends witch hunters named the Wolves and learns more about Agatha than she had before.

I enjoyed Alexandra's take on these fairy tales and would love to see more from this world.

*Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my ARC of the book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 103: Echo North

By Joanna Ruth Meyer 

Read on August 9th-10th


August 10th, 2022 Review:

It has been over three years since I first read this book, and I think I loved it even more this time. I love the world that Joanna has created. It is so intriguing, and I did not want to leave it. I'm excited about the companion book and returning to the world again. The house that the wolf brings Echo to is such a neat idea. I have yet to read the original fairy tale, but I'd like to see how many similarities this has to that. This book was beautiful, and I highly recommend it for fairy tale and fantasy lovers.

January 16th, 2019 Review:

A beautiful retelling that felt like a classic fairytale. I really loved this take on "East of Sun and West of the Moon" (which I have yet to read), but it has many similarities with the original Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.

An exciting story with twists and turns that were expected and unexpected.

Book 104: Instructions

By Neil Gaiman

Read on August 10th


I really enjoyed this story of a traveler being led on an adventure around a fantasy world through Neil's poem. The poem was beautiful, and the illustrations were stunning. Charles Vess will always be a favorite of mine, and I love every collaboration he and Neil have worked on together. I know I will share this excellent piece of art with my children one day.

Book 105: Beetle & the Hollowbones

By Aliza Layne

Read on August 10th


A cute story that I really enjoyed reading. Loved the illustrations and the characters, especially Blob Ghost. Also, this had some good queer representation.

Book 106: When We Were Young

By A.A. Milne  

Read on August 13th


A cut set of poems that I enjoyed.

Book 107: Now We Are Six

By A.A. Milne

Read on August 13th


A cut set of poems that I enjoyed.

Book 108: Thud!

By Terry Pratchett

Read on August 12th-13th


I have loved watching Sam Vimes' growth throughout this entire Watch subseries. The Watch has come such a long way since Guards, Guards, and I love the references to that book in this one. Now, Sam is a father that rushes home to Little Sam every night at six so that he can read "Where's My Cow" to him. I adored the plotlines with that. Sam is a character I love spending time with, and I'm sad that this is my second to last Watch book. I cannot believe I only have seven books left in the entire Discworld series.

“Ye gods, it was so much better when there were just four of us up against that bloody great dragon, Vimes thought as they walked on. Of course, we nearly got burned alive a few times, but at least it wasn't complicated. It was a damned great dragon. You could see it coming. It didn't get political on you.”

The Nobby Nobs jokes will never get old. I love how he is always in a comedic duo with Colon and the shenanigans that they get themselves into. Loved their scenes in the Pink PussyCat Club. Especially the one with Angua, which made me laugh so hard.


One of the best new characters was A.E. Pessimal, who surprised me quite a bit. It was great that he was supposed to be watching over the Watch for Vetinari, but that is not exactly what happens. I love that he right away says that the Librarian is an orangutan and the Librarian's reaction to that. It was so funny.

I really loved this book so much and thoroughly enjoyed my time with it.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Reviews Week 31

 Reviews Week 31

August 1st-7th

Book 96: Ogre Enchanted

By Gail Carson Levine 

Read on August 1st


Ella Enchanted was one of my favorite books when I was a young teen. I remember reading it three or four times in ninth grade, and I adored Ella as a character. Ella, Char, and Mandy were some of my favorite characters then. So, I was excited when I heard that Gail had written a prequel to Ella Enchanted. This book was pretty good, and I liked Evie as a character.

It was interesting to see Evie try to control her ogrish feelings throughout the novel. She still had human tendencies, such as her need to heal someone, which got pretty humorous. This mixed in with her wanting to eat people and fighting these feelings, gave a lot of laughs. I thought it was interesting to see a character written in this way. There were a lot of great moments that Gail wrote in these scenes.

Evie's whole idea of marriage was annoying. She's so against marrying Wormy at the very beginning of the book, which is entirely understandable. I liked her character in these early scenes, especially her decision after Lucinda changes her into an ogre. Lucinda is still the same as she was in Ella Enchanted, annoying as ever with her "gifts." I put the rest as a spoiler for this, but I will say that I was not too fond of many scenes after Evie leaves to find someone to propose to her.

Spoiler in red. 

Then, Evie falls in love with the first guy she meets and wants to marry him immediately. Well, at least she thinks she does, and I was not a fan of that whole storyline. After everything she said when Wormy proposed to her, it felt like a 180 for her as a character. I'm completely fine with the idea that she does not want to get married at such a young age and should not be forced to by a meddling fairy. I did not like the way she fell for Sir Peter the way she did. Then, how she thinks she is in love with every other eligible bachelor afterward. This being said, I'm not the intended audience for this book who might enjoy all the love interests much more than I did. I just think that the love story in Ella Enchanted was much better than this. 

The setting of this book and the world that Gail has created are the best aspects of the book. It is great being back in this world again, and it was just as enjoyable as Ella's. Also, Gail's writing style is beautiful, and I did not want to put this down once I got into the plot.

The ending was probably the most enjoyable part of this book besides the setting, especially with Lady Eleanor and Mandy. I was excited to see Mandy make an appearance. She was always one of my favorites from the original book. I have to say I had a hard time not comparing this to that book the entire time while reading this, and it's been a long time since I have.

I'm glad that I have finally read this and getting back into the land of Frell and those surrounding it made me happy. It was an enjoyable read for the most part, and it made me want to pick up Ella Enchanted again for the first time in so many years. I believe that this book would be great for the young teens out there. I'm sure I would have enjoyed reading this book even more when I had first read Ella Enchanted.

Book 97: Disney Masters Vol. 9: Mickey Mouse: The Ice Sword Saga

By Massimo De Vita

Read on August 2nd


I had a good time reading this and the sequel. They both made me think of the old Mickey Mouse cartoons I used to watch as a kid on the Disney Channel. I always enjoyed those, and I enjoyed the fantasy world that they created here. It was based on Asgard and Norse Mythology, which was just neat. Mickey and Goofy in Norse worlds, what a concept. Also, the illustrations were beautiful.

Book 98: Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: Ice Sword Saga Book II

By Massimo De Vita

Read on August 2nd


I enjoyed this sequel, especially Goofy's fourth wall breaking.

Book 99: The Other Alice

By Michelle Harrison

Read on August 3rd-


Ever since I first read Inkheart, I have always been a fan of books where the author of a story gets to meet their creations. It would be cool to travel into your own story and meet your characters or have them come out in your own world. In Alice's case, it's not everything I would hope it would be. I wouldn't want to meet some of the villains I have created over the years.

I won't get into how Alice's characters start traveling into our world, but it was such a neat idea. This book was so entertaining from the beginning until the end. I want to read the book within this story so much, especially to see more of Alice's characters.

It was great that this story was told from someone else's perspective other than Alice. Midge was a great protagonist in this story, and I liked following him as he tried to find his sister. This story had so many elements that I love in fantasy, talking cats, witches, great villains, a curse, and mysterious aspects.

Overall, I really loved this book quite a bit and cannot wait to read more from Michelle Harrison sometime.

Book 100: Almost There

By Farrah Rochon 

Read on August 5th-6th


I am a big fan of The Princess and the Frog and have been highly looking forward to this new take on the story ever since I first heard about it. This story was absolutely beautiful!

Tiana is one of my favorite Disney princesses, and I was looking forward to seeing more of her story and the other characters. There was so much to love about this book, especially the characters and setting. One of the most important aspects of Tiana's story is the restaurant that she opens with her father. It was great finally getting to see her fulfill this dream and see the success she got from opening it. The setting of New Orleans is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the movie, and I love what Farrah Rochon did with that in this book. It feels so true to that setting.

Tiana is such a strong character that you can't help but root for in all her actions. The deal that she makes with Dr. Facilier makes sense for her to make, even though you know it won't work out in her favor. I love how hard-working she is as a character, but it was great being able to see her learn to let others help her. I loved seeing her work with Naveen, Louis, and Charlotte throughout this book. It was great being able to see even more of these characters and even Dr. Facilier. He's such a fantastic villain, and it was interesting to see more of his motivations throughout this book. I'm glad we got to see his perspective throughout the book. Naveen and Louis were just as great as ever. I won't spoil the plot with them.

I'd also like to talk about Charlotte. Charlotte is such a sweet character who cares so deeply for Tiana, and I'm glad we got to see so much more of their friendship. Her development and story with everyone else was probably one of my favorite aspects of the book. I love Charlotte in the movie, and I'm glad that she was given a more significant role in this book.

Also, seeing more of Tiana and her family was another great addition to this book. The ending was so touching and hit me hard.

*Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 101: Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix

By Anna-Marie McLemore

Read on August 5th-6th


One of the books I have wanted the most for years was a retelling of The Great Gatsby where Nick and Gatsby fell in love. I'm happy to say that this beauty came out after nine years of this hope. The Great Gatsby is one of my all-time favorite stories, and as Anna-Marie McLemore says in her author's note, I always believed that Nick loved Jay. I have wanted a story like this ever since I first read the original.

This story was so beautiful, and I loved the audiobook narration. It was narrated by two different people, Avi Roque and Kyla Garcia. They both did an incredible job and helped draw me even more into the story. It was great having both narrators and getting Nick's and Daisy's distinct voices. Daisy's letters to various people throughout the book gave me even more insight into this character and made me love her.

The romance was beautiful and sweet. I loved getting so much of Gatsby and Nick spending time together throughout the novel. Also, the representation in this book was phenomenal. We had so many queer and Latinx characters. Nick's search for his identity as a Latinx trans man was so important to the overall story. It was so special seeing how many people accepted him in this version of 1920s New York and the community that he was able to form with these people. Especially at the club behind the shop, on Nick's birthday. Those scenes were great. I'm glad he was able to connect with Jay, who was also a transgender man, and how Jay helped him learn about New York society.

I have never been a fan of Daisy's character in the original novel, but I loved her in this book. Her letters to her family back home and other characters were some of the best parts of this entire novel. They gave a look into this character that is unexpected at times. She is a character trying hard to make her way in a society she knows will not accept her for who she is. It's wonderful to see where Anna-Marie takes this storyline with her. Also, I want to touch on Jordan. She was a wonderful character I adored from her introduction in this story until the end. The Jordan in the original novel will never have anything on this Jordan.

I could gush about this book for days, and I'm glad that we get to have a book like this for teens to be able to read. Gatsby is one of my favorite stories, but I have got to say that this version makes me so happy, and I know I will read it over and over again.

*Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own*

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Reviews Week 28-30

 Reviews Week 28-30

July 11th-31st

Book 81: Spider-Man's Social Dilemma

By Preeti Chhibber

Read on July 12th-14th


This book was so much fun! I have always been a sucker for Spider-Man stories, and as soon as I saw this one on Netgalley, I had to request it. I'm so glad that I did.

In this book, Peter deals with being Spider-Man for just a few months, first love, a group project, a new job, and a mystery of what is happening around New York City. I'm glad that this was not an origin story and the fact that Peter has been Spider-Man for a bit of time. The Spider-Man origin story has been done enough. It was great seeing him start at the Bugle in this book and all the interactions with J. Jonah Jameson. JJJ will always be a favorite Spider-Man character of mine, and his parts give a ton of laughs.

This book was hilarious and sweet. Loved the budding relationship between Peter and MJ. Preetri has given Peter a great voice that stands out throughout the book. Also, MJ was one of the best parts of this book, and I loved seeing how much she supported Peter and her feelings throughout the book. It's great not only having Peter's perspective on everything but also other characters such as MJ and Sandman. I'm interested to see where the next book will go, especially with the ending.

I will pick up the other books in this series when they come out. This book would be great for middle schoolers and anyone who loves a good Spider-Man story. Also, I want to say that this is not the MCU Spiderman, so you know that going in.

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.*

Book 82: The Tight End

By Raleigh Ruebins

Read on July 21st


This was a great story that I enjoyed. I have not read the other books in the series, but I definitely plan on going back to read them now. Loved the romance throughout this and the characters. They were so sweet, and their relationship was great from the beginning.

Book 83: The Kite

By N. R. Walker

Read on July 22nd


I love N. R. Walker's books so much, but sadly I didn't connect with this one the way I usually do. The romance wasn't the best for me. I wanted more from it, and I wish I could have rated this higher, but it just wasn't for me. 

Book 84: Christmas Wish List

By N. R. Walker

Read on July 23rd-24th


I love how perfectly N. R. Walker has encapsulated the joy of Christmas and the wonder of the holiday in this book and the first in the Hartbridge Christmas books. It really does feel like a Hallmark town, and I am all for that. The cheesier, the better.

Well, I guess it is becoming a tradition for me to read a Christmas book in the summer. N. R. Walker has become my go-to when I need a cute story to cheer me up, and this was the perfect book for that. I loved Cass and Jayden so much. They were adorably cute, and I loved their slow-burn romance. This book made me happy and laugh out loud throughout the whole thing. I love the cozy feeling I feel when reading a book like this.

I hope that she writes more from this town. I'd love to see more of these characters and their world.

Book 85: Hard Road Back

By Andrew Grey

Read on July 25th


I loved Martin and Scarborough's story. I love cowboy romances even though I do not like westerns. This was a perfect example of that and was so sweet. Also, I loved Storm the horse and how similar he was to his owner, Scary. They felt like kindred spirits, and I can see why Scary got Storm from the auction.

Book 86: My Imaginary Mary

By Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows

Read on July 25th-26th


One of my most anticipated books of the year, and I'm happy to say that I received a review copy of the book.

I have read every Lady Janies' book and have loved almost all of them. Their sense of humor is some of my favorite in books. This book was the one that I was looking forward to the most because I love Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. The fantasy and science fiction elements were some of the best aspects of the story.

Also, the friendship between Mary and Ada was just wonderful to read. I have always loved how the Janies took historical characters in their books, but this one was the best. Mary and Ada were such strong characters, and I loved learning more and more about them throughout the story. The changes made to the historical aspects were perfect, and adding the magical elements was a significant part of the overall story.

The allusions to other works of fantasy such as Narnia, Peter Pan, and many other works were just the right amount. I am always a fan of good uses of references in literature. The best was the way the story of Frankenstein was used in the plot. I won't spoil any of that because I think it's best not to know much.

I will always love how the Janies write characters and their humorous takes on historical stories. The characters of Mary, Ada, Pan, and Mary's sisters, Fanny and Jane (oh, I mean Claire, haha), were just great, and (view spoiler)

Overall, I loved this book so much and am looking forward to seeing which Mary, the Janies write about next. I hope it's Marie Antoinette.

*Thank you to the publisher and also NetGalley for my ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. *

Book 87: Looking Back: A Book of Memories

By Lois Lowry

Read on July 18th-27th


I absolutely adored this book so much. Writing a memoir through words and pictures was such a great idea. Also, the quotes from Lois's books were great additions. One of my favorite memoirs, and I liked reading her quotes from her other books. I have read The Giver and Number the Stars. Definitely, am interested in picking up some of her other ones.

''I have come to believe that all of us, as we write, or read, or draw...

as we hold the pages of a book tilted so that a little one can see...

as we choose and wrap a book as a gift for a child...

as we provide privacy and a comfortable chair, or a favorite book on a 

table beside a guest room bed...

as we sift through memories, sort them out and see their meaning...

and as we look back, and say to a child, 'I remember--'

we do, in fact, hold the knowledge of centuries. 

And we all become Givers."- My favorite quote from the book and one of the best I have ever read. 

Book 88: Crumbs

By Danie Stirling

Read on July 27th


Such a wonderfully sweet romance! Love the beautiful illustrations and the story, especially the message.

Book 89: The Sandman

Overture- 30th Anniversary Edition

By Neil Gaiman

Read on July 28th


July 28th, 2022 review: 

This time around I wanted to read this one first since most of the story takes place before the events of the other volumes. It is so beautiful, and I love the story in this one.

October 19th, 2022 review:

This was definitely my favorite from the series. I love getting more of Morpheus's story and of his world. Also, the artwork in this volume goes above and beyond. It was masterful. J.H. Williams III did an incredible job with the art in this volume. It was stunning to look at and it went perfectly with the story.

This was a prequel in parts but also a continuation. I really loved how the ending of this was the beginning of the series as a whole. I really just want more of Morpheus as a character and this was a great addition to his story.

Book 90: The Sandman 

Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes- 30th Anniversary Edition

By Neil Gaiman

Read on July 28th


7/28/22 review:

I decided to pick up the first couple of volumes again of Sandman before the tv show comes out, and I have got to say I enjoyed this, even more this time. It is going to be great to see these stories adapted.

1/01/20 review:

Creepy and eerie. I enjoyed the stuff with Dream and Death and cannot wait to see what else will come with this story.

Book 91: The Sandman Vol. 2: 

The Doll's House - 30th Anniversary Edition

By Neil Gaiman

Read on July 29th


These graphic novels are really quite interesting, especially the background we are getting on the Endless Ones. Dream is such an intriguing character, and I can't wait to see more of his story and Death's.

Book 92: The Sandman 

Vol. 3: Dream Country- 30th Anniversary Edition

By Neil Gaiman

Read on July 29th


My favorite part of this volume was the origin story behind Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream. I really enjoyed how Dream played a part in this volume in creating one of my favorites of Shakespeare's plays.

Book 93: Going Postal

By Terry Pratchett

Read on July 29th-30th


I have been having so much fun this year with every one of the Discworld books that I have read. At the end of last year, I made a goal for this year to finally finish the series, and now I just finished book 33, so I'm getting there. This book was absolutely wonderful in every single way. 

I loved the introduction to Moist von Lipwig. He was so such a fun character, and I loved seeing his interactions with the other characters, especially Vetinari. I'll never have enough of the genius mastermind that Vetinari always is in the series. It's great that so many characters question why he is not ruling the entire world, because I know I question it all the time. Haha

Loved the whole storyline in the post office and the whole dead letters feel to it all. 

" 'Corporal Nobby Nobbs, sir. Not met him yet? They say he's got an official chitty saying he's human, and who needs one of those, eh? Fortunately, there's only one of him so he can't breed...' "- I could not stop laughing after I read this whole scene. Nobby Nobbs is always a favorite, even when he is just mentioned a little bit.

This book was just so bloody brilliant!!

Book 94: Mary's Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelley Created Frankenstein

By Lita Judge 

Read on July 30th


This month became the month of Mary Shelley. First, I did one of my lessons for work on the theme of Alienation in Frankenstein. Then, I read My Imaginary Mary, which was absolutely fantastic. Now, I decided to pick up this beauty. This was one of my favorite pieces of nonfiction that I have ever read. 

The illustrations were absolutely stunning, and the writing was impeccable. Going into this book, I knew very little of Mary Shelley's life and really enjoyed how it was depicted here. I will always be a fan of books that are written in verse. It was a great idea to get so much of it from her journals. This was just such a fabulous book inside and out. 

I cannot believe how horrible Percy Shelley and really most of the men she dealt with were. Screw Shelley for the way he treated Mary. Poor girl fell in love with the prick, who constantly lied to her, then she lost three out of her four children, and he just made her miserable the entire time. It was heartbreaking to read. What I really loved about this book, was the fact of seeing where all of her ideas came from to create Frankenstein. She became the mother of science fiction for a reason. The fact that she started writing Frankenstein when she was only eighteen years old, just amazes me. 

I highly recommend this to teen readers and anyone who loves Frankenstein. This was such a beautiful book that's impact is significant. 

Book 95: Lightfall: Shadow of the Bird

By Tim Probert 

Read on July 31st


This book was just as excellent as the first one, and I want to see more and more from this world. Tim's story and art style are some of the best I have seen in graphic novels. I definitely recommend this to middle-grade readers out there. I wish I could have had this book when I was a kid. I cannot wait to see where Tim takes the story from here.