Monday, January 17, 2022

Reviews Week 2

Reviews Week 2

January 10th-16th

Book 8: The North Wind

by Alexandria Warwick 

Read January 10th-12th


A retelling of Greek Mythology (mainly Hades and Persephone and the winds) and a take on Beauty and the Beast that I did not want to end.

This was a book that I heard of at the end of last year that I just had to read. I requested the ARC from NetGalley when I first read its description and was lucky enough to get a copy of it to read. I knew I had to pick up this book when I heard the description of it. It's a mix of Greek Mythology with the gods of the wind playing a part, and a bit of a Beauty and the Beast/Hades and Persephone retelling. It was everything that I wanted it to be and so much more.

An adult fantasy romance. The book is about a fierce twenty-something female, named Wren who is taken to live with The North Wind, Boreas as his wife. She does not realize why she is at first being taken and fights for a good part of the beginning of the book. Believing that her husband is a monster. But slowly she gets to know Boreas and who he actually is. 

Wren's character was my favorite part of this book. She's a fierce character who is not afraid to stick up for herself, even against a god who initially scares her. I loved reading her interactions with Boreas so much. She always held her own and knew just what buttons to push. She has had a lot of problems in her life that she has to get past and I love how they get through that together. Their slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance was perfect. Boreas was also just great when we got to know him.

Also, I really enjoyed the side characters, especially Orla. I'm glad that Wren got to have such a wonderful friendship in this story.

Oh and that Epilogue was perfection! It was beyond sweet and just great. 

I highly recommend picking this book up if it even sounds remotely interesting to you. I decided to buy my own copy for my collection. It's definitely a new favorite that I will reread again and again. I can't wait for the other books in this series. 

* I received an Advanced Reader's Copy for an honest review from the publisher and NetGalley. Thank you so much for the opportunity. All opinions are my own. *

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