Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Alice in Wonderland Book Tag Old and New

I have always loved Tag Tuesday and decided to make my first one on this blog about Alice in Wonderland. Literally, the best tags for me. 

🐇 Alice in Wonderland Book Tag- Old 🐇

Tag made by Emily Boone- found here

1. Alice - A book with pictures

     🍄 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

2. Mad Hatter/March Hare - Favorite riddle from a book

     🍄 Gollum's riddle from The Hobbit

 "This thing all things devours;

           Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

           Gnaws iron, bites steel;

 Grinds hard stones to meal;

 Slays king, ruins town,

 And beats mountain down." 

3. Cheshire Cat - A book that takes place in an asylum


 🍄 The Insanity series by Cameron Jace: which is an Alice's Adventures in Wonderland retelling that I absolutely adore. I'm going to have to do another reread of the series sometime soon. I miss the characters especially, The Pillar. 

4. White Rabbit - A book you were late to the party

     🍄 A book that I was definitely late to the party for was the Percy Jackson series, which I read for the first time in 2017. And fell in love with it. It has become an all-time favorite along with the rest of Rick's other series. 

5. Queen of Hearts - A character you wanted to kill off

     🍄 Umbridge and Fudge from the Harry Potter series: Everybody hates Umbridge for good reason in the Harry Potter series but I hate Fudge just as much. If he had only listened to Harry and Dumbledore everything would be very different. I could rant about his bull from the series. 😂

     🍄 Joffery and Ramsey from the Song of Ice and Fire and the Game of Thrones tv series: because they are just terrible 

6. Caterpillar - A character you can relate to

     🍄 I relate a lot with Granny Weatherwax from the Discworld series. She's my favorite character from literature. 

7. Tweedle Dee and Dum - A book with a battle in it

    🍄 The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

8. Walrus and The Carpenter - A character you thought was good but turned out to be bad

    🍄 I don't want to spoil a plot point for anybody but there is a character in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that surprised me when I had first read it. 

9. White Knight - A book that made you cry

    🍄 The book that made me cry the most was probably The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

10. Lewis Carroll - Author that writes under a pen name

    🍄 Samuel Langhorne Clemens- Pen name: Mark Twain

🐇 Alice in Wonderland Book Tag- New 🐇

Tag made by Emily Boone- found here

1. Wonderland- What is your favorite fantasy land in movies or books? 
     🍄 The Discworld

     🍄 The Land of Stories

     🍄 Wonderland- especially, my version from my twisted retelling series that I have been writing. 

2. White Rabbit- What's something you were late to checking out that others raved about?  And one you still haven't watched/read others love? 
     🍄 The Game of Thrones tv show was definitely something I was late to check out. I didn't start watching it until right before the eighth season came out. 

     🍄 I would love to start the Wheel of Time book series soon. It sounds incredible. 

3. Cheshire Cat- Who is an actor or actress that you think has a great smile?
     🍄 Zac Efron 

4. Tea Party- What's your favorite kind of tea or hot drink?  
      🍄 Green Tea

5. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum- What's your favorite duo in movies or books? 
🍄 Han and Chewie

6. Caterpillar- Do you have a poet or philosopher who inspires you or makes you think? 
      🍄 Walt Whitman

7. Eat Me- Favorite cookie 
      🍄 The pumpkin cookies that my Mom makes every year during the fall. They are amazing. Yum!

8. Drink Me- Favorite drink- alcoholic or regular 
      🍄 Green Tea

9. Would you rather be very large or very small?  
      🍄 Small

10. What's a book or movie that made you cry oceans? 
      🍄 Book: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

      🍄 Movie: My Girl

11. Jaberwocky- Favorite mystical creature from book or movie 
      🍄 Dragons

12. What cinematic version of Alice do you prefer best? Burton/Animated/Other?  
      🍄 Definitely, the animated one from Disney. I love that movie so much. 

13.  What is your favorite character in Alice in Wonderland?
      🍄 Book: The Hatter

      🍄 Movie: The Dodo
14. If someone asked you to pitch an Alice in Wonderland movie/TV show what would you suggest? 
      🍄 I will forever want a movie or tv series of the Insanity series by Cameron Jace. It would be awesome!

15. Why do you think Alice in Wonderland has remained so popular for so long?
     🍄 It has remained popular for so long because of the zany characters and the intriguing world. Also, it helps with the number of retellings that have been created over the years. It keeps people interested. 

16. If you could go to Wonderland would you and what would you most want to see?
     🍄 Yes, I would, especially the version I created in my twisted retelling series. I'd love to see it all. 

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