Sunday, January 9, 2022

Reviews Week 1

Reviews Week 1
January 1st-9th

Book 1: "The Sea and Little Fishes"
by Terry Pratchett
Read on January 1st

A short story taking place right before Carpe Jugulum.

I cannot believe that it has almost been five years since I started the Discworld series. That's just crazy. Over the years, I have fallen in love with this series so much, especially the Witch books. Granny Weatherwax is my favorite character of all-time and I definitely had to read this little gem with her and Nanny Ogg. I love anything to do with these two ladies. 

This is a story dealing with the Witch trials and how Granny tried to be nice. Oh, the horror of it. 😂 It was such a great little story that was so enjoyable. Terry Pratchett's humor is so on point and I cannot help but laugh out loud while reading one of his stories. 

I plan on trying to finish the series this year and I will be reviewing every single book on here. Also, after I finish the series I plan on going back and reading the series again and doing reviews for all of the books. That will be starting next year. 

Book 2: Winnie the Pooh The Little Things in Life
Read on January 2nd

One of the cutest stories I have read in a long time. So true to Winnie the Pooh! 

Winnie the Pooh has always been one of my favorite characters from my time of watching the movies and the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh tv show. I grew up on those stories and also reading the original book by A. A. Milne. Pooh is a character that I am going to love my whole life. 

This was such an adorable book that I absolutely adored. Its story felt so real to Pooh's adventures that I have watched and read throughout the years. Also, the watercolor illustrations are stunning and I really enjoyed looking at them as I read this little story. 

I recommend picking up this book if you are a Winnie the Pooh fan or if you enjoy cute inspirational stories. This is a great feel-good book. 🍯

Book 3: Neil Gaiman's Chivalry
Read on January 3rd

A great adaptation of the Neil Gaiman short story. Beautiful illustrations.

I really enjoyed Neil Gaiman's short story "Chivalry" last year when I read The Neil Gaiman Reader. It was a sweet little tale of an elderly British woman, that just happens to deal with the Holy Grail and an ancient knight from King Arthur's court.

I have been obsessed with King Arthur stories since I was very little and fell in love with the Disney movie, The Sword and the Stone. It was great reading the illustrator, Colleen Doran's note at the end of this story. She had me connecting with her and her past that came into illustrating and designing this graphic novel. I have read her other two adaptations of Gaiman's work before this and have found them all really great adaptations of his work. This one had incredible illustrations that were just so stunning to look at. They fit along so well with the story and made it just an even better read. 

I completely recommend picking this gem up. You won't regret it.

*Thank you to the publisher Dark Horse and Edelweiss for my Advanced Reader's Copy of the story. All opinions are my own.*

Book 4: The Problem of Susan and Other Stories
by Neil Gaiman
Read on January 4th

Not my favorite collection from Neil but it was still okay.

I have read all of Colleen Doran's graphic novel adaptations of Neil's work and have enjoyed them all a lot. This was my first from P. Craig Russel and I really did not enjoy it at all. I was not a fan of the illustrations for most of the stories, though I did really like Locks. That's actually the only one that I haven't read before. It was an interesting look at the story of Goldilocks but also a parent's worry about how their child's life is going to be when they get older. Overall, it was an okay graphic novel. 

Book 5: The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents Macbeth
by: Ian Lendler
Read on January 4th

Shakespeare but with Zoo Animals. Hilariously funny!

I really enjoyed this take on Macbeth, one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare. It was funny and a good introduction of the play for younger readers. Also, the artwork is great. Overall, this was a very enjoyable adaptation of the classic that I think younger readers and older readers will both enjoy.

Book 6: The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents
Romeo and Juliet
by: Ian Lendler
Read on January 4th

Shakespeare but with animals part 2. I want a version for Hamlet. 

This was really cute. I especially liked the audience's reaction to what was going on in the play. But this just wasn't as good as the Macbeth one, which was absolutely hilarious. I'm just not a fan of Romeo and Juliet at all but this was a cute interpretation of it. Now, all I want are more versions of Shakespeare's plays done in this style. They are so clever. 

Book 7: Medusa
by: Jessie Burton
Read on January 3rd- 5th

The tale of Medusa told from her own perspective. Powerfully moving. 

I have loved Greek Mythology ever since I was a child and the story of Medusa was one that I have known for a very long time. It is one that I have wanted a retelling of for many years and I am happy to say there finally is one that stands out. And it's very good. Medusa had me rooting for this young woman so much. Her tale is a sad one for obvious reasons and I was glad that she was given a voice this time around. It was powerful reading from her perspective.

I completely recommend this book to mythology fans. Its tale is well known but this retelling of it was powerful and beautiful. Especially, with the illustrations.

*I received an eARC from Netgalley for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I also bought a copy of the book that I received before the eARC and I'm thankful I have it.* 

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