Monday, January 24, 2022

Reviews Week 3

 Reviews Week 3

January 17th-23rd

Book 9: The Truth

by Terry Pratchett

Read January 17th 


A book dealing with the Discworld's first newspaper and all the crazy antics that ensue because of it. 

The Truth is the 25th book in the Discworld series as a whole and the 2nd book in the Industrial Revolution subseries. It takes place in Ankh-Morpork and deals with a man named William de Worde accidentally creating a newspaper for the city. Crazy antics ensue with the paper and other events happening in the town. 

The book opens with the lines "The rumour spread through the city like wildfire (which had quite often spread through Ankh- Morpork since its citizens had learned the words 'fire insurance'). The dwarfs can turn lead into gold..." (Pratchett 11). This and the scenes that follow are good examples of how news spreads around the city. 

We shortly meet our main character William who has the job of writing down what is going on in a newsletter by many of the rulers in Discworld. After the dwarfs decide to make a printing press, they begin to work together to make the Ankh-Morpork Times. William hires a woman named Sacharissa Cripslock to help him investigate and write the news and a vampire named Otto to make the pictures. He then also hires Foul Ole Ron and his friends to help him sell the paper around town, based off of the advice of the dwarfs. This was one of the funniest parts of the book with Ron. 

The story also deals with the criminal group: The New Firm (made up of Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip) who are hired by "concerned citizens" of Ankh-Morpork to get the Patrician Lord Vetinari fired. Because they do not like the way Vetinari runs the city at all. Mr. Pin and Mr. Tulip find a shopkeeper that looks just like Vetinari and try to frame him in a murder and make it look like he was trying to steal money. 

This was a very enjoyable addition to the series as a whole, much more enjoyable than the last book in the Industrial Revolution subseries Moving Pictures. Looking at the Watch through William's eyes was also something different. Also, William's family life and family, in general, was an important part of this book. William has always been considered the black sheep of his family because he is good at writing and enjoys it. This disgusts his father greatly. He tries throughout the whole book to share The Truth with the citizens of Ankh-Morpork and getting past these feelings that his father has given him. 

We also get scenes with many of our favorite characters, the Watch (mainly Vimes and Angua), the wizards at the University, Lord Vetinari, Foul Ole Ron and his gang, Gaspode, the dog, and obviously Death plays a role. 

Overall, this was another humorous addition to the Discworld series that has a lot to say. 

Book 10: Sorrow

by Zachary Weaver

Read January 18th- 20th


A Vampyre novel with dynamic characters that drew me into their story. 

I enjoyed getting back into this world again and will be picking up the second book pretty soon. Jalix and Kara's world is intriguing and had me wanting to know more about it. The whole lore of the Vampyres in this story was quite different than any other story that I have seen. It deals with a virus that was created that made them who they are.

In Sorrow, we follow Jalix who is learning about the world of the Vampyres from his fiance Kara, the oldest Vampyre in existence. She shows him the world that she helped create to keep her own kind safe. Jalix agrees to help them in the war that has been going on for centuries.

Sorrow's Vampyres and their world were the best parts of this book. We learn more and more about this world as the story continues. Real-world issues have been included in the story along with the issues that the characters are dealing with in their world. We get many scenes with Jalix thinking back on his time in Afghanistan and how that has affected him in this story.

The world drew me in but the characters kept me wanting to read on. They are dynamic characters that get you emotionally invested in the story. I wanted to know if they were going to be okay and see how their relationships would go. The friendships that Jalix makes when he becomes part of the Vampyre world are genuine and also just as important as his relationship with Kara. I love the found family feel to these relationships.

I will pick up the next two books because I definitely want to know where the story goes. Especially, after that ending scene.

Book 11: Dragons at Crumbling Castle: And Other Tales

by Terry Pratchett

Read January 22nd


A delightful collection of short stories written by one of the masters of fantasy. 

This is the first book that I ever got of Terry's and I have got to say that it has been a long time coming for me to read it. I got it from an English teacher conference when I was still in college as an ARC. One of my friends was the one to pick it up and did not have any interest in it and I told her that I wanted it if she didn't. I at the time had never read a Terry Pratchett book but had heard nothing but good things about the Discworld series. Needless, to say now, Terry has become one of my favorite authors of all time. And this is one of my fondest possessions. 

This collection is of some of his earliest writings from when he was a teenager working as a junior reporter. These were stories that he published in the children's section of the newspaper. Most of these stories were forgotten about until this publication except for his stories about The Carpet People which became his first-ever novel. 

There is an obvious difference between his writing in these stories to what we have come to expect from his Discworld novels. But there is still the charm that is prevalent in all his novels. And even at 17, Terry had a writing ability and a way of telling a story that I absolutely adore. This is definitely a collection that I recommend to a Terry Pratchett fan. Sure it's aimed at younger readers but I believe that any of his fans can get something out of these stories. Also, the illustrations were perfect for the stories. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Reviews Week 2

Reviews Week 2

January 10th-16th

Book 8: The North Wind

by Alexandria Warwick 

Read January 10th-12th


A retelling of Greek Mythology (mainly Hades and Persephone and the winds) and a take on Beauty and the Beast that I did not want to end.

This was a book that I heard of at the end of last year that I just had to read. I requested the ARC from NetGalley when I first read its description and was lucky enough to get a copy of it to read. I knew I had to pick up this book when I heard the description of it. It's a mix of Greek Mythology with the gods of the wind playing a part, and a bit of a Beauty and the Beast/Hades and Persephone retelling. It was everything that I wanted it to be and so much more.

An adult fantasy romance. The book is about a fierce twenty-something female, named Wren who is taken to live with The North Wind, Boreas as his wife. She does not realize why she is at first being taken and fights for a good part of the beginning of the book. Believing that her husband is a monster. But slowly she gets to know Boreas and who he actually is. 

Wren's character was my favorite part of this book. She's a fierce character who is not afraid to stick up for herself, even against a god who initially scares her. I loved reading her interactions with Boreas so much. She always held her own and knew just what buttons to push. She has had a lot of problems in her life that she has to get past and I love how they get through that together. Their slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance was perfect. Boreas was also just great when we got to know him.

Also, I really enjoyed the side characters, especially Orla. I'm glad that Wren got to have such a wonderful friendship in this story.

Oh and that Epilogue was perfection! It was beyond sweet and just great. 

I highly recommend picking this book up if it even sounds remotely interesting to you. I decided to buy my own copy for my collection. It's definitely a new favorite that I will reread again and again. I can't wait for the other books in this series. 

* I received an Advanced Reader's Copy for an honest review from the publisher and NetGalley. Thank you so much for the opportunity. All opinions are my own. *

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Alice in Wonderland Book Tag Old and New

I have always loved Tag Tuesday and decided to make my first one on this blog about Alice in Wonderland. Literally, the best tags for me. 

🐇 Alice in Wonderland Book Tag- Old 🐇

Tag made by Emily Boone- found here

1. Alice - A book with pictures

     🍄 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

2. Mad Hatter/March Hare - Favorite riddle from a book

     🍄 Gollum's riddle from The Hobbit

 "This thing all things devours;

           Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

           Gnaws iron, bites steel;

 Grinds hard stones to meal;

 Slays king, ruins town,

 And beats mountain down." 

3. Cheshire Cat - A book that takes place in an asylum


 🍄 The Insanity series by Cameron Jace: which is an Alice's Adventures in Wonderland retelling that I absolutely adore. I'm going to have to do another reread of the series sometime soon. I miss the characters especially, The Pillar. 

4. White Rabbit - A book you were late to the party

     🍄 A book that I was definitely late to the party for was the Percy Jackson series, which I read for the first time in 2017. And fell in love with it. It has become an all-time favorite along with the rest of Rick's other series. 

5. Queen of Hearts - A character you wanted to kill off

     🍄 Umbridge and Fudge from the Harry Potter series: Everybody hates Umbridge for good reason in the Harry Potter series but I hate Fudge just as much. If he had only listened to Harry and Dumbledore everything would be very different. I could rant about his bull from the series. 😂

     🍄 Joffery and Ramsey from the Song of Ice and Fire and the Game of Thrones tv series: because they are just terrible 

6. Caterpillar - A character you can relate to

     🍄 I relate a lot with Granny Weatherwax from the Discworld series. She's my favorite character from literature. 

7. Tweedle Dee and Dum - A book with a battle in it

    🍄 The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

8. Walrus and The Carpenter - A character you thought was good but turned out to be bad

    🍄 I don't want to spoil a plot point for anybody but there is a character in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that surprised me when I had first read it. 

9. White Knight - A book that made you cry

    🍄 The book that made me cry the most was probably The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

10. Lewis Carroll - Author that writes under a pen name

    🍄 Samuel Langhorne Clemens- Pen name: Mark Twain

🐇 Alice in Wonderland Book Tag- New 🐇

Tag made by Emily Boone- found here

1. Wonderland- What is your favorite fantasy land in movies or books? 
     🍄 The Discworld

     🍄 The Land of Stories

     🍄 Wonderland- especially, my version from my twisted retelling series that I have been writing. 

2. White Rabbit- What's something you were late to checking out that others raved about?  And one you still haven't watched/read others love? 
     🍄 The Game of Thrones tv show was definitely something I was late to check out. I didn't start watching it until right before the eighth season came out. 

     🍄 I would love to start the Wheel of Time book series soon. It sounds incredible. 

3. Cheshire Cat- Who is an actor or actress that you think has a great smile?
     🍄 Zac Efron 

4. Tea Party- What's your favorite kind of tea or hot drink?  
      🍄 Green Tea

5. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum- What's your favorite duo in movies or books? 
🍄 Han and Chewie

6. Caterpillar- Do you have a poet or philosopher who inspires you or makes you think? 
      🍄 Walt Whitman

7. Eat Me- Favorite cookie 
      🍄 The pumpkin cookies that my Mom makes every year during the fall. They are amazing. Yum!

8. Drink Me- Favorite drink- alcoholic or regular 
      🍄 Green Tea

9. Would you rather be very large or very small?  
      🍄 Small

10. What's a book or movie that made you cry oceans? 
      🍄 Book: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

      🍄 Movie: My Girl

11. Jaberwocky- Favorite mystical creature from book or movie 
      🍄 Dragons

12. What cinematic version of Alice do you prefer best? Burton/Animated/Other?  
      🍄 Definitely, the animated one from Disney. I love that movie so much. 

13.  What is your favorite character in Alice in Wonderland?
      🍄 Book: The Hatter

      🍄 Movie: The Dodo
14. If someone asked you to pitch an Alice in Wonderland movie/TV show what would you suggest? 
      🍄 I will forever want a movie or tv series of the Insanity series by Cameron Jace. It would be awesome!

15. Why do you think Alice in Wonderland has remained so popular for so long?
     🍄 It has remained popular for so long because of the zany characters and the intriguing world. Also, it helps with the number of retellings that have been created over the years. It keeps people interested. 

16. If you could go to Wonderland would you and what would you most want to see?
     🍄 Yes, I would, especially the version I created in my twisted retelling series. I'd love to see it all. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

2022 Reading Goals

  • Read 100 books in 2022
  • Finish the Discworld series
  • Finish the Chronicles of Prydain series
  • Read a Graphic Novel series
  • Read at least 5 Marvel comics
  • Read the 22 books I picked for 2022
  • Reread a book every month
  • Read a 2022 release every month
  • Read 20 physical books, 20 audiobooks, and 10 ebooks
  • Read Les Miserables 
  • Read 5 Classics, 5 tomes, and complete 5 series
  • Read 10 retellings and 10 graphic novels
  • Review every book read in 2022 on my blog, planner, and Goodreads
  • Keep up with reading planner and blog

Reviews Week 1

Reviews Week 1
January 1st-9th

Book 1: "The Sea and Little Fishes"
by Terry Pratchett
Read on January 1st

A short story taking place right before Carpe Jugulum.

I cannot believe that it has almost been five years since I started the Discworld series. That's just crazy. Over the years, I have fallen in love with this series so much, especially the Witch books. Granny Weatherwax is my favorite character of all-time and I definitely had to read this little gem with her and Nanny Ogg. I love anything to do with these two ladies. 

This is a story dealing with the Witch trials and how Granny tried to be nice. Oh, the horror of it. 😂 It was such a great little story that was so enjoyable. Terry Pratchett's humor is so on point and I cannot help but laugh out loud while reading one of his stories. 

I plan on trying to finish the series this year and I will be reviewing every single book on here. Also, after I finish the series I plan on going back and reading the series again and doing reviews for all of the books. That will be starting next year. 

Book 2: Winnie the Pooh The Little Things in Life
Read on January 2nd

One of the cutest stories I have read in a long time. So true to Winnie the Pooh! 

Winnie the Pooh has always been one of my favorite characters from my time of watching the movies and the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh tv show. I grew up on those stories and also reading the original book by A. A. Milne. Pooh is a character that I am going to love my whole life. 

This was such an adorable book that I absolutely adored. Its story felt so real to Pooh's adventures that I have watched and read throughout the years. Also, the watercolor illustrations are stunning and I really enjoyed looking at them as I read this little story. 

I recommend picking up this book if you are a Winnie the Pooh fan or if you enjoy cute inspirational stories. This is a great feel-good book. 🍯

Book 3: Neil Gaiman's Chivalry
Read on January 3rd

A great adaptation of the Neil Gaiman short story. Beautiful illustrations.

I really enjoyed Neil Gaiman's short story "Chivalry" last year when I read The Neil Gaiman Reader. It was a sweet little tale of an elderly British woman, that just happens to deal with the Holy Grail and an ancient knight from King Arthur's court.

I have been obsessed with King Arthur stories since I was very little and fell in love with the Disney movie, The Sword and the Stone. It was great reading the illustrator, Colleen Doran's note at the end of this story. She had me connecting with her and her past that came into illustrating and designing this graphic novel. I have read her other two adaptations of Gaiman's work before this and have found them all really great adaptations of his work. This one had incredible illustrations that were just so stunning to look at. They fit along so well with the story and made it just an even better read. 

I completely recommend picking this gem up. You won't regret it.

*Thank you to the publisher Dark Horse and Edelweiss for my Advanced Reader's Copy of the story. All opinions are my own.*

Book 4: The Problem of Susan and Other Stories
by Neil Gaiman
Read on January 4th

Not my favorite collection from Neil but it was still okay.

I have read all of Colleen Doran's graphic novel adaptations of Neil's work and have enjoyed them all a lot. This was my first from P. Craig Russel and I really did not enjoy it at all. I was not a fan of the illustrations for most of the stories, though I did really like Locks. That's actually the only one that I haven't read before. It was an interesting look at the story of Goldilocks but also a parent's worry about how their child's life is going to be when they get older. Overall, it was an okay graphic novel. 

Book 5: The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents Macbeth
by: Ian Lendler
Read on January 4th

Shakespeare but with Zoo Animals. Hilariously funny!

I really enjoyed this take on Macbeth, one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare. It was funny and a good introduction of the play for younger readers. Also, the artwork is great. Overall, this was a very enjoyable adaptation of the classic that I think younger readers and older readers will both enjoy.

Book 6: The Stratford Zoo Midnight Revue Presents
Romeo and Juliet
by: Ian Lendler
Read on January 4th

Shakespeare but with animals part 2. I want a version for Hamlet. 

This was really cute. I especially liked the audience's reaction to what was going on in the play. But this just wasn't as good as the Macbeth one, which was absolutely hilarious. I'm just not a fan of Romeo and Juliet at all but this was a cute interpretation of it. Now, all I want are more versions of Shakespeare's plays done in this style. They are so clever. 

Book 7: Medusa
by: Jessie Burton
Read on January 3rd- 5th

The tale of Medusa told from her own perspective. Powerfully moving. 

I have loved Greek Mythology ever since I was a child and the story of Medusa was one that I have known for a very long time. It is one that I have wanted a retelling of for many years and I am happy to say there finally is one that stands out. And it's very good. Medusa had me rooting for this young woman so much. Her tale is a sad one for obvious reasons and I was glad that she was given a voice this time around. It was powerful reading from her perspective.

I completely recommend this book to mythology fans. Its tale is well known but this retelling of it was powerful and beautiful. Especially, with the illustrations.

*I received an eARC from Netgalley for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I also bought a copy of the book that I received before the eARC and I'm thankful I have it.*