Thursday, March 28, 2024

Favorite Episodes of Buffy

I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the first time during college. We watched many of the episodes for one of my classes and I became obsessed with it from the first couple of episodes.

Here are my ten favorite episodes of the 144. It’s funny even after all these years how many of these episodes popped into my head right away for this list. I have to watch this again sometime soon. It’s been too long. Spoilers for the episodes mentioned in this post. I highly recommend this show. 

1. “Storyteller”- Season 7, Episode 16

~ My favorite episode from Buffy without a doubt is “Storyteller.” I love Andrew’s (Tucker’s brother) take on the other characters and how funny this gets. I even have a shirt based on this episode. 

2. “Once More, With Feeling”- Season 6, Episode 7:

~ When I heard that Buffy had a musical episode, I could not believe it. I remember being obsessed with this episode after I watched it, especially the music. The music is all in my playlist again for this season. My favorite is probably “Rest in Peace” sung by Spike. 

3. “Pangs”- Season 4, Episode 8: 

~ An absolutely hilarious episode of Buffy that I vividly remember to this day. I love Spike in this one. 

4. “Hush”- Season 4, Episode 10:

~ Definitely, the creepiest episode from the show. The Gentlemen were the scariest villains from the show. The acting in this one is great, especially with the characters not being able to talk for most of it.   

5. “Tabula Rasa”- Season 6, Episode 8: 

~ Comedic gold with all of the characters forgetting who they are. The best part is when Spike and Giles believe they are father and son. Spike will always be my favorite character from the show. Also, the end scene with the song “Goodbye to You” by Michelle Branch is heartbreaking and one of my favorites.

6. “The Body”- Season 5, Episode 16:

~ Even though this episode was spoiled for me, it still hits hard. I will not say what happens but if you are a fan of the show, I’m sure you already know. The most hard hitting episode. Sarah Michelle Gellar does a phenomenal job acting for her scenes. Absolutely incredible. 

7. “Fool for Love”- Season 5, Episode 7:

~ Great flashback episode where we get to see Spike’s past, where he meets Angel, Drusilla, and shows how he became a vampire. I love any background for characters that we could get. 

8. “Something Blue”- Season 4, Episode 9:

~ There is a common link for many of my favorite episodes and that is the comedic episodes focusing a lot on Spike. In this episode, Willow casts a spell that makes everything she says come true and she accidentally causes Buffy and Spike to get engaged. Love the humor of this situation. 

9. “Becoming, Part 2”- Season 2, Episode 21: 

~ The season finale of Season 2 and another one of the hardest episodes to watch of the show. I remember this one making me tear up when I watched it. 

10. “Chosen”- Season 7, Episode 22 (the finale):

~ I love this finale quite a lot and I feel like it was a great wrap-up for the series. 

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