Monday, August 14, 2023

Reviews Week 32

Reviews Weeks 32

August 7th-13th

Book 121: A Lover’s Gift: From Him to Her

Narrated by Michael Sheen

Read August 11th


Michael Sheen is the perfect choice to read these pieces of prose and verse. I’ll never get enough of listening to him read, especially poetry. He creates a voice for each that fits incredibly well with the writing. The music that went along with the writings was beautiful too. I highly recommend this for poetry and romance fans. Michael brings so much for each of these. 

My favorites from this collection were the letter from Persuasion and the scene from Romeo & Juliet (which fully shocked me because I do not like Romeo & Juliet). It even made me want to reread Romeo & Juliet with the audiobook version. Never thought I would see the day. I cannot recommend this enough.

Book 122: Much Ado About Nothing

By William Shakespeare

Read August 12th


The first time I read this play was in my Shakespeare class in college and I did not enjoy it at all. This time around I decided to read the play while following along with the David Tennant and Catherine Tate version and I had a completely different experience. I feel that Shakespeare’s plays are better experienced when you watch or at least listen to them. Plays in general are better this way. I loved the humor in this play.

Book 123: Shakespeare’s Sonnet

By William Shakespeare

Read August 13th


I have read Shakespeare’s Sonnets many times before, the first time being back in high school. This is the first time that I have actually read the entire collection though. Many of the sonnets are on the same topics and he expresses the same feelings and emotions throughout. The two main topics are on the young man and then “dark woman.” I will forever love the idea of how a poem can keep someone alive even long after they are dead. Look at what poetry and plays have done for Shakespeare, himself. This is a beautiful collection that I will continue to revisit for the rest of my life.

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