Monday, July 10, 2023

Reviews Week 27

 Reviews Week 27

July 3rd-9th

Book 103: The Enchantress Returns: The Land of Stories Book 2

By Chris Colfer

Read July 3rd

Pages Read: 517


July 3rd, 2023 reread- I will forever love where Chris takes the series in this book. The team that Alex, Connor, Goldilocks, Jack, Froggy, and Red make is one that I love following along with for the rest of the series. I can’t believe that this is my 11 reread of this wonderful book. It will never get old for me. 

July 6th, 2021 update- My favorite book in this series. I absolutely adore it so much!

Book 104: Delivering Dante

By Lucy Lennox

Read July 2nd- 3rd

Pages Read: 274


I love books that deal with large families, especially when they play crucial roles in the plot. In this book and in Moving Maverick, I have fallen in love with the Marian family and will definitely be reading every book in the series. The humor that comes from the family makes these books so much better. I love the dynamic that each member of the family has with each other. What knocked this down a little for me was the amount of intimate scenes between Dante and AJ. I don’t mind those types of scenes usually but there was just too much of them in this book. In my opinion, I think that it would have been better without so many of them.

Book 105: A Grimm Warning: The Land of Stories Book 3

By Chris Colfer

Read July 4th

Pages Read: 480


July 4th reread: This book is another absolute favorite of the series for me. The scenes with Conner and Bree in Europe are some of the best in the entire series. I enjoy how Chris took real world figures and used them in this book to help tell the story. 

July 7th, 2021 update: Gotta say that I will always love the direction Chris took this series in. The ending will always be hard to read. Love Connor's adventure over in Europe and seeing the twins taken on the world by themselves for a while. Also, the parts with the Grimm brothers are some of the best.

Book 106: Into the Tempest

By N. R. Walker

Read July 4th

Pages Read: 198


N. R. Walker’s characters are some of my favorites in romance fiction. I love how she creates romantic leads that stand out along with the side characters. Tully and Jeremiah are great together and I highly enjoyed following along with them as they tried to survive the Tropical Cyclone. This is a very emotional book that I adored from the start to the finish. Tully is a big ball of sunshine that just wants to love and help Jeremiah as much as he can. He has a wonderful family that I loved seeing so much of in this book. I can’t wait for book 3 to see what will happen next with these guys.

Book 107: To the Moon and Back

By N. R. Walker 

Read July 7th

Pages Read: 220


This book was absolutely adorable in every way. I adored the story, characters, and every single minute of it. Gideon and Toby were a great couple and I loved watching them with the little “chicken nugget,” Benson. Just adorable! Also, that cameo at the end made me so happy!! I won’t spoil it here but now I want to read that book again.

Book 108: Star Wars: Darth Vader- Dark Lord of the Sith, Vol. 2: Legacy’s End

By Charles Soule

Read July 8th

Pages Read: 144


I have started two Darth Vader graphic novel series and I think that this is the best out of them both. It feels like it is a direct continuation from the prequels. The characterization of Vader in this volume was interesting especially in the parts when he is mediating. I enjoyed the visualizations in those sections so much. Cannot wait to see where else Soule takes this story in the other two volumes. 

Book 109: Beyond the Kingdoms: The Land of Stories Book 4

By Chris Colfer

Read July 9th

Pages Read: 422


I absolutely adore this series beyond words. 

Book 110: An Author’s Odyssey: The Land of Stories Book 5

By Chris Colfer

Read July 9th 

Pages Read: 448


July 9th, 2021 update: I can honestly say that I wish I was in Connor's place in this book. At least being able to have a potion and to be able to go into my own writing. I cannot imagine being able to meet my own characters and spending so much time with them. It will always be my dream. There is such a great quote in this book 

"Traveling into the short stories had been all Conner could think about since he'd first had the idea. Naturally, the circumstances to warrant the trip were terrible, but he still felt like the luckiest author in the world. Who else got to visit the worlds and meet the people that existed in their imagination? Conner often fantasized about seeing a film or a play based on his writing one day but this would be much better than that. It wouldn't be someone else's interpretation or adaptation of his words, everything would be purely as he'd envisioned it." 

I think this is a dream of a lot of authors and I can honestly say that it would probably be the best thing to ever happen for me. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book again and visiting these characters yet again. This series will never get old.

July 17th, 2016 update: This one is the funniest out of the series. I loved it so much. I cannot wait until the next one.

Book 111: Peanut Butter Kisses

By Pepper Espinoza 

Read July 9th

Pages Read: 41


This was a cute story but it was far too short to be enjoyable. It ended too soon for my liking. I did like the competition aspect and how the chocolates were important to Peter. There was not much substance to this story though, so I can’t rate it highly. 

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