Thursday, May 23, 2024

5…4…3…2…1 Book Tag!

It has been quite a while since I’ve done a tag and I don’t know why because I love doing them. My goal is to get back into doing tags more often. Hopefully, a couple of times a month. I found this on Zezee with Books’s blog and decided to do it. There are five different prompts in this tag. I changed the question for number 2 to my own idea. 

For this prompt, I decided to pick my five favorite books of 2024. I have linked my reviews for each of these books in the titles. 

  1. Storm of Olympus by Claire M. Andrews- The Daughter of Sparta series started back in 2021 and have been eagerly awaiting for this book to come out. This is a take on the events of The Odyssey though it heavily deviates from that story. Daphne is such a great character. I have loved watching her evolve as a character in this trilogy. 
  2. Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa- A wonderful queer reimagining of Pride and Prejudice
  3. The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang- An absolutely wonderful queer adult fiction fantasy that I adored. 
  4. The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer- This is being comped as an adult version of Narnia. As soon as I heard that, I knew I had to pick it up right away. I was lucky enough to get a review copy for it earlier this year and read it in February. I highly recommend picking this up when it is published in July. 
  5. Death’s Country by R. M. Romero- Up until I read this book, my favorite of the year was The Emperor and the Endless Palace. I adored this story even more than I thought I would. It is a queer modern take on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. I will have a review up on this blog at the end of the month and have also linked to my review on Goodreads. 

This was such a very hard prompt. 

  1. Neil Gaiman- When I think of favorite authors, Neil is one of the first people who comes to mind. He is a one of a kind writer, who has so many different types of works. I own most of his works and I plan on owning the rest someday. 
  2. Madeline Miller- Madeline has only written two books but I know I will buy and read anything she ever writes. Hopefully, she'll come out with something soon. 
  3. Chris Colfer- I have loved Chris ever since the first episode of Glee back in 2009. When he first announced he was going to be writing a fairy tale retelling series, I was elated. The Land of Stories is a series I wish was around when I was a kid, but I’m glad the children of today have his writing. I have preordered every one of Chris’s books ever since The Wishing Spell. He's the only author I can say that I preordered all of their books. 
  4. Natalie Haynes- Natalie’s takes on mythology are some of my absolute favorites. I plan on reading everything she ever writes. 

  1. Fantasy- Definitely, my top favorite genre. Most of what I read during the year are fantasy books, all age ranges. I love fantastical worlds. 
  2. Contemporary Romance- Other than fantasy, my other favorite thing to read is contemporary romance. I love a great love story. 
  3. Poetry- Poetry is one of my favorite genres to read and write. I have been writing poetry ever since 8th grade (2007-2008) and love every minute of it.

  1. Ingary from Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones- I love how we are introduced to Ingary from the very first page of the novel. It is a fantasy world I would love to visit. 
  2. Lancre from The Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett- I would love to visit the Discworld, especially Lancre. 

  1. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson- I have owned this book for a very long time and I have never read it. Brandon's books are some of the ones that most intrigue me, especially The Stormlight Archive. My goal is to pick it up sometime in the beginning of June. It’ll be my first Brandon Sanderson book. I’m very excited to get into his books, finally. 

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